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190 Name: vc: exthong : 1993-09-10045 17:51

>>179 People still move to a less urbanized area for that sort of reason (though it's not the net trend). Disillusionment with over-connected society going into hysterics over nothings isn't new.
Neither is disappointment in a promising future that didn't pan out; hitting it big is uncommon and "mediocrity" literally means "average" but we all know it's used to mean "kinda bad" (I think of The Offspring's "The Kids Aren't Alright").
There are still plenty of people who don't really let the Internet dominate their life, it's just that the small fraction of people who contribute anything at all to the Internet are kind of insane (on average) by virtue of being that sort of exception. Most others consume without questioning, or shop, or shit like that.

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