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818 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10627 03:54


> This is the crux of the "human nature is incompatible with communism" argument

his argument is actually sound, the part that is lacking is that Marx argued at some point, capitalism would be unable to provide workers with refrigerators and white picket fence lawns, as it demands continuously increased profit and profit is inversely correlated with worker compensation. plus further revisions to marxist theory do consider that first world workers, being the recipients of imperalist spoils, are on average wealthier than the workers on the third world, so a worldwide worker revolution would begin on the third world, where workers would feel squeezed sooner, and then move onto the first world.

the real failure of trying to combat the "human nature" argument is trying to put the logic of economic systems on moral terms, which sucks and is useless. it's a losing conversation to move onto drastically trascendental areas, especially to argue against something as empirically understood as "people like nice things".

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