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31 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10652 12:58

That's pretty interesting!

>I sleep on a giant bean bag chair or on the floor

You can move it aside and have room for VR! This is the luxury I cannot afford, my room is very elongated and I have wardrobe, tables, bookshelves and my bed, leaving very little walkspace in the centre.
Maybe you can woo some real girls with VR dancing?
Otherwise, maybe you could order a cute/hot furry female VR Chat model from an artist and stream yourself dancing in VR chat solo room (it has some 3rd person camera controls) while pretending to be a mute and earn millions from subscriptions/donations?

>My toilet doesn't have a seat or a lid, you just squat over the bowl on a stool I keep in the bathroom

I wonder what's this set up look like? Maybe post it on /img/ (preferably not in use).
What prevents you from mounting a seat? You could probably put some nice soft covers on it for a better shitting experience (this won't attract girls, they'll likely think "EWW! It's probably full of this guy's ass molecules!" and enjoyable pastime.

>I don't buy toilet paper I just squat in the bathtub and wash my ass with soap

In my younger days, I didn't use toilet paper neither - but then I became concerned that the need might catch me in a public place where a shower won't be readily available, thus leaving me in distress for I wouldn't know how to use T.P. properly. It's also nicer this way: "broad strokes" with T.P. followed by thorough cleaning with soap and water.
It's also nice to have T.P. and/or paper towels to clean spills, wiping things and such.

>Holes in the walls from heated gamer moments back when I used to drink a lot

North American cardboard houses always amused me. I had my share of gamer rage moments, hitting furniture and damaging peripherals (once even denting a table with a keyboard) but punching a wall left me with a huge bruise on my knuckles and worries if I cracked a bone in my hand. Eventually, I resigned to self-flagellation by punching my thigh - and later quit it altogether because that left small ugly bruises that itched.

>I make my own cottage cheese and yogurt in the sink so sometimes there's jars of random milk byproducts laying around

This might look weird but self-made "craft" food might actually woo a girl! A friend of mine, once a huge (in many senses) meat-eater, was turned into "eating healthy" by a girl, to the point that even eating fish is something extremely rare for him these days.
No more meat, I can't imagine! That's something to be wary about if you start noticing a girl near you!

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