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7 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10814 18:27

Here are some of the most notable moments from Tyler Perry's "Bruh" that have been talked about by fans:

  1. The introduction of the four main characters - John, Tom, Mike, and Bill - and their strong bond of friendship.
  2. John's struggle to balance his personal life with his demanding job as a lawyer, which leads to tension with his girlfriend.
  3. Tom's journey as a single father and his efforts to maintain his relationship with his son, despite his ex-wife's interference.
  4. Mike's struggle to come to terms with his sexuality and his decision to come out to his friends and family.
  5. Bill's pursuit of his dream to become a successful entrepreneur and his rocky relationship with his girlfriend.
  6. The group's shared experiences with racism and discrimination, including a powerful episode where they confront a racist coworker.
  7. The romantic relationships that develop throughout the series, including John's on-again-off-again relationship with his girlfriend and Tom's budding romance with a new love interest.
  8. The surprise appearance of Madea, a fan-favorite character from Tyler Perry's previous works, in the season finale.

These moments, among many others, have helped make "Bruh" a standout series that keeps fans hooked from episode to episode.

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