[Clandestine Secrets] Masturbation Habits! [Sin of Onan] (7)

1 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10964 03:59

What do Dokyuns do after performing manual self-stimulation? Trash can? Sock under the bed? Return it back into the natural flow of life through your digestive tract? That's what I would do for most of my teenage years, because I would be too lazy to take a shower after and would want to cleanly use the keyboard as soon as possible. Although I would make a smelly mess anyway because I release a lot of precum.
Nowadays it can take me up to 40 minutes to release, so when it happens I like to let it soar so the build up is worth it. Meaning I can't do it at my desk like I used to or else I'll make a mess, and if I'm getting up anyway to masturbate I might as well take a shower, right?

2 Name: Mr. 2 GET likes to 2 GET : 1993-09-10964 12:21

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As for me, I used to have an absorbent carpet in the lounge, where I let the sperm fly where they want to. Now I just have sex with my girlfriend.

3 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10964 19:09

I wish I could use a living onahole

4 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10964 20:27

Thankfully when your a girl it doesnft make too much mess

5 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10964 20:27

Sometimes I rub one out to https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1363986225/55 because of >>55's cute comment

6 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11032 03:00

When Im in bed I fap into a tissue and fold it up but then I fall asleep on top of it and it probably soaks into the bedsheets and my pajamas and probably the blanket too, cus it's usually crunchy and dried when I find it the next day, I never knew if it just evaporated or it's all soaked into the bed.
A lot of times I'll fap again in the morning with the same tissue, just unfold and go at it again.

7 Name: MAN OF DISGUST : 1993-09-11032 07:31

This is kind of pathetic but when I was a socially retarded teen just hitting puberty I sometimes couldn't help myself so I'd randomly do it in forests while walking places. Sometimes I'd even do it on the walk home from elementary school by putting one of my jacket arms inside my jacket pocket to make it look like I was walking with my arms in my pockets, but really I had one arm in my pants stroking it while walking home. Puberty was not good on my brain. If you ever heard histories about tards and masturbation, I was there but more sneaky about it (in my mind). In my adolescent years I would generally either just release in toilet for no cleanup or just cum all over myself and not give a shit and fall asleep. Dark brown spot in the middle of the bed. What a coincidence...

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