Japanese Food (54)

1 Name: Cooking Apprentice 2004-12-05 06:39 ID:XIQ8r9QA [Del]

Let's chat about Japanese food!!!

I love Chawanmusi!!very delicious!!

2 Name: Cooking Apprentice 2004-12-05 09:39 ID:Heaven [Del]

The only Japanese food I really have tried so far is sushi.

I couldn't stand it, to be honest. Cold fish with soy sauce makes me gag.

3 Name: tefka 2004-12-05 10:19 ID:Heaven [Del]

try dipping random vegetables (chopped), seafoods(non-shelled), or perhaps even chicken in tempura batter. Japanese, and tasty!

4 Name: tefka 2004-12-05 10:20 ID:Heaven [Del]

btw... has anybody tried okonomiyaki?

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