Let's Eat Whales (100)

1 Name: Risa Kanaya 2006-02-20 12:20 ID:Heaven

I want to use this article to dispute about whale catch.
English only (for International use).

I agree whale catch because Whales eat a lot of fishes (4 times human) and we'll not be able to have rations from sea. Also, we'll not be able to have rations from land with surplus population.

Please comment here.

Risa Kanaya

2 Name: Apprentice Chef 2006-02-20 17:06 ID:uW1EZx9z


3 Name: Apprentice Chef 2006-02-20 17:15 ID:Heaven

(゚Д゚) whale yum-

4 Name: Apprentice Chef 2006-02-20 19:00 ID:w6ZQ0qC6

Saving&Eating whale can be Coexisting.
If we leave whales, the whales will be exterminated.
Saving whale way what green peace say is exterminating whales way.
They think the whale to be a weed.
Save whale by scientific way!

5 Name: Apprentice Chef 2006-02-20 19:23 ID:jXAgHfbW

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6 Name: MistressSayuri 2006-02-20 19:53 ID:ZvOasGFS

Korean eats dogs.
Japanese eats whales.
Why whale is special ?
Answer simple and clear !
Call mistress ! (--;) / (++;)
Japanese understand some restrictions require to keep the number of whales.
However, we disagree that don't eat whales at all.
I wanna ask you again.
Why whale is special ?


7 Name: Apprentice Chef 2006-02-21 00:40 ID:ijAef81Q

is this DADDY COOL?

8 Name: Apprentice Chef 2006-02-21 02:25 ID:WQRUXcEm


9 Name: Apprentice Chef 2006-02-21 04:42 ID:nwhrA+HV

white people eats beef.
People in India never eat beef.
Why white people are especially?
What do you do if Indian say,"Don't kill cows!"?

10 Name: Apprentice Chef 2006-02-21 06:05 ID:owIJFu7O


There are plenty of cattle to go around, though. Not so many whales.

11 Name: Anonymous 2006-02-21 09:19 ID:9rTuYxk9

We have vast, vast cattle farms. Does Japan have vast whale farms?

I think not! The Texan defense rests.

12 Name: VIP from Japan 2006-02-21 14:13 ID:f8QR+pv7

The whale is dericious,

The person who doesn't eat the whale is foolish.

The Korean eats the dog, the Chinese eats the monkey,

But this is culture, and this is not bad.

13 Name: Apprentice Chef 2006-02-21 20:57 ID:Heaven

Heh, this is an odd thread

14 Name: Anonymous 2006-02-22 02:26 ID:9rTuYxk9

Who knew the Japanese would be so interested in being cultural relativists.

15 Name: Apprentice Chef 2006-02-22 04:47 ID:2BZZR7WP


I pretty much knew.

16 Name: Apprentice Chef 2006-02-22 12:27 ID:D2E8F8U5

"Whales eat a lot of fishes (4 times human)"
Newsflash, kid: Whales are way bigger than humans. Whales eat NOTHING but seafood.

If the seafood for humans is too little, we can just eat other stuff, worst case scenario being that we can import more food from other countries. If the whales have too little seafood, they die.

What makes whales special?
Whales are intelligent creatures that have existed for far longer than humans. With science, we can learn a lot of interesting and useful facts about the creatures of the world. The amount of whales are decreasing, and if we actually hunt whales properly, they will become extinct. Although I seriously doubt anything ever will happen along the line of that star trek movie where the aliens came and wanted to have a chat with their old buddies the whales that were all dead, and almost killing earth in the process, it still would be a big loss for this planet. The eco system would be notibly affected, for the worse.

There are so few whales in comparison to humans, that we cannot afford to hunt them. People need to stop thinking in too short terms, just to satisfy their palate for exotic foodstuffs.

17 Name: Apprentice Chef 2006-02-22 13:02 ID:D2E8F8U5

18 Name: Apprentice Chef 2006-02-22 13:05 ID:D2E8F8U5

"Professor Daniel Pauly and Director of the Fisheries Centre at the University of British Columbia weighed into the debate in July 2004 when he presented a paper to the 2004 meeting of the IWC in Sorrento. Pauly's primary research is investigating the reasons for the decline in fish stocks in the Atlantic, under the auspices of the Sea Around Us Project. However this report was commissioned by the Humane Society International, one of anti-whaling lobbies. The report says that although cetaceans and pinnipeds are estimated to eat 600m tonnes of food per year, compared with just 150m tonnes eaten by humans (*), the_type_much_of_the_food_that_cetaceans_eat (in particular deep sea squid and krill) is_not_eaten_by_human. Moreover, the reports says, the locations where whales and humans catch fish _only_overlap_to_a_small_degree."

Yes, it was commissioned by anti-whaling people, still.

19 Name: Apprentice Chef 2006-02-22 15:10 ID:NckD2iRI

number of whales living near japan has increased.
so what's the problem about eating them??
of course we japanese can have limits on catching.
that's what you couldn't when you whites
caught whales just to get their fat for fuels.

or is it a piece of american joke to tell others not to kill
what you've killed almost all?? lol

20 Name: Apprentice Chef 2006-02-22 17:45 ID:gtXdm/Cs

I have heard that whales are tasty and nutritious. But they are too big to fit in my wok. IT IS A MYSTERY

21 Name: Apprentice Chef 2006-02-22 17:52 ID:85Ddbjtt

It's not fact.
Your topic is old time.
Recently whales are a lot.
Now,too many whales are breaking food contamination over the world.
Don't you know?

Japan catch whales only near japan Island.
And Japan is doing a planning catch for impediment extermination.

Plan for balance is important,I think.

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