Junk food (23)

14 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-06-05 14:10 ID:27XOKCLZ

You could talk to your parents about giving you an allowance for groceries once per week, perhaps? That way, you could buy healthier snacks (if chips, baked tortilla chips and guacamole, trail mix, and apples and bananas can be purchased relatively inexpensively at around $2.50/lb.) and meals (bags of pre-cut, pre-washed mixed greens run around $4, tomato sauce and pasta can be purchased relatively inexpensively, chicken can often be cheaper and easier to prepare than red meat, etc.)

If nothing else, you should talk to your parents about switching to leaner meat (the difference in cost is nominal), offering salad as a side during dinner and offering fruit for dessert instead of candy and chips. And there is NO excuse for drinking soda: it doesn't taste good, it rots your teeth, spikes your blood sugar, and can easily be replaced with tap water and ice for NO cost.

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