When was the last time you played a REALLY good game (188)

1 Name: THRILLHO 2005-09-07 17:03 ID:9y1/PTKi

I can't remember when i last got to play a game that :
1:was fun and entertaining all the time.
2:when i never got tired.
3:the history was top class.
4:i wanted to replay it after i finished it.
5:i could play it for moths witout finishing it.

To sum it up my lates games i have tested is:
Half life(played 1-2days , never replayed it)
WoW(qitted fast)
gw(i only play once in the week)
Silent hunter 3(got boring fast)
hearts of iron 2(only one i have left)

So when in the good games coming?

2 Name: THRILLHO 2005-09-07 20:21 ID:Heaven

Super Mario Land

3 Name: THRILLHO 2005-09-08 04:46 ID:UDsnmcOa

Battleto... oh wait, wrong chan.

I'd say Beatmania IIDX, or DDR and DDR-derivatives, but at some point either I get tired, or my body decides to overthrow my mind Karl Marx style, or some other third reason.

Nethack is good, but only if you can stand ASCII in exchange for rockin' gameplay.

Now, when you say 'are there any good games coming', I can't exactly answer that in a positive manner. I just can't think of anything with near-infinite replay value coming out. The best we can hope for is to jump from game to game like parasites.

4 Name: dmpk2k!hinhT6kz2E 2005-09-08 05:40 ID:Heaven

Endless replay sure whittles things down a lot.

  • Civilization
  • Chess
  • The Incredible Machine
  • Stars!
  • Tetris
  • And maybe a Quake or UT.

Of these, only the first contains elements of history, and only the second has a history.

5 Name: THRILLHO 2005-09-08 15:44 ID:9y1/PTKi

Go is fun to

6 Name: THRILLHO 2005-09-08 16:44 ID:V/5eO/5q

#5 is a stupid criterion. Good games tend to be short and sweet.

I guess I'll nominate Angband.

7 Name: THRILLHO 2005-09-08 19:05 ID:JJPnO+TN

Yoshi's Island.

8 Name: Alexander!DxY0NCwFJg!!muklVGqN 2005-09-09 01:58 ID:Heaven

Alpha Centauri deserves a mention, since it has a lot more personality/intelligence than the standard civ games.

9 Name: dmpk2k!hinhT6kz2E 2005-09-09 02:22 ID:Heaven

Alpha Centauri was definitely a good game. I found it sterile though, probably because the tech tree was utterly fake. The terrain was dull too.

10 Name: THRILLHO 2005-09-09 12:28 ID:MbCqX11c

They only games I've ever really wanted to replay after finishing are puzzle games like Tetris and shoot em ups like Metal Slug. Especially the level 9 B-mode on Gameboy Tetris. Going through a whole big story again feels like too much work, and I usually make save games at branch points to see all the endings.

11 Name: 2005-09-09 12:56 ID:Heaven

I am trying to remember a very old game that I used to play a lot. It was a 1st person adventure, where you had to piece together clues and collect things. The main character (the person you play) is a smartass. The world you play in is like some sort of urban disaster where everyone watches TV, and you get in trouble if you don't.

I don't really remember much else about it, except that I enjoyed it. lots. Any ideas on the title of the game?

12 Name: THRILLHO 2005-09-09 12:57 ID:z3tkEJFY


13 Name: 木人権 2005-09-14 21:54 ID:2M/tgJhl

super mario world, man that was a great game.

14 Name: THRILLHO 2005-09-15 02:34 ID:c8umm6uM

Battlefield 2

15 Name: THRILLHO 2005-09-15 04:02 ID:0COmyIT4

The game i played the most : COunter Strike
The best RPG games i've played : Chrono Trigger
Best Action RPG : Megaman Legends

16 Name: THRILLHO 2005-09-15 14:19 ID:9y1/PTKi

Best Game ever:Final Fantasy VII(movie ruled)

17 Name: THRILLHO 2005-09-15 20:01 ID:Heaven

Cave Story

Also, if the AC threads start attracting a bunch of retarded fans like the Densha Otoko threads have, I may leave. (Note: only AC fans are retarded, not Densha ones)

18 Name: THRILLHO 2005-09-15 21:39 ID:gp6iXwW3

Cave Story.

Also everything >>4 mentioned.

19 Name: !WAHa.06x36 2005-09-16 12:40 ID:eM1HrRG6

I tried playing Cave Story, but I got bored right away. Does it get any better? The beginning just draaaaaaags on.

20 Name: dmpk2k!hinhT6kz2E 2005-09-17 16:37 ID:Heaven

I thought it started getting interesting after you beat the oversized toaster (or whatever that is) the first time.

21 Name: Mr VacBob!JqK7T7zan. 2005-09-19 02:49 ID:cRXZ7a4Z

The puzzle to get past the apparently closed area in Egg Corridor is a bit annoying (and so is Jellyfish Juice, I guess), but once you're past that it's fun.

22 Name: !WAHa.06x36 2005-09-19 12:14 ID:iFH1111P

I guess I'll have to be clearer: I ran around and shot at some things, and then I ended up in some sort of village where I read a lot of text and nothing happened until I drowned in a little lake. It wasn't very exciting, and I didn't really feel like reloading.

23 Name: dmpk2k!hinhT6kz2E 2005-09-19 12:20 ID:Heaven

It's dull until the first boss (which looks like an oversized toaster).

It took me about half an hour to finish the village, IIRC.

24 Name: Grobda 2005-09-19 13:16 ID:vTB4clPO

I was playing killer7 about seven hours ago, so that's one.

The original Sonic trilogy I played through so many times it's ridiculous, and I still get them out today to have a go...

...wait a minute. I was playing KILLER7...SEVEN hours ago.


25 Name: THRILLHO 2005-09-19 14:38 ID:UrziC5vu


26 Name: !WAHa.06x36 2005-09-20 12:48 ID:Heaven

I hear >>25 in Yorda's cute accented voice, and can even see her pointing at something.

27 Name: THRILLHO 2005-09-21 18:58 ID:Heaven



28 Name: THRILLHO 2005-09-26 14:20 ID:9+Y4cjMr

oompha, oompha. Hoooooy!

29 Name: THRILLHO 2005-10-14 03:44 ID:XqTyetkl


30 Name: THRILLHO 2005-10-15 20:34 ID:7d5VZest

I would say Earthbound since it's so fun and easy I have to force myself to stop playing it--except I'll probably never want to replay it after it's finished

Angband and Nethack are okay, except for when you really pissed off dying all the time and stop playing

31 Name: THRILLHO 2005-10-16 01:53 ID:tCzh+tiN

The village was the easiest part... eh, back to my visual novels I guess.

32 Name: THRILLHO 2005-10-23 09:43 ID:XMWTyK+c

Replay value is a bad criteria for evaluating game quality. Nethack has perfect replay value, and I've been playing it for years. It's a great game, but so is Ico, which I played once and finished very quickly. I don't want to replay Ico because it would only tarnish the memories of playing it the first time.

33 Name: THRILLHO 2005-10-25 05:19 ID:aXUNOLjg

OBJECTION! No one has mentioned Phoenix Wright!

Well the replay value isn't high but it's still one of the best games I've played in a long time!

34 Name: Piiyoh 2005-10-30 05:06 ID:z+VUsWiC

Baldur's Gate. I dunno. SMB:M? I loved Killer7.

35 Name: Warren 2005-11-10 03:33 ID:0XKVbKft

I can't believe Katamari Damacy isn't mentioned...

36 Name: Maxim 2005-11-14 08:18 ID:ZqInDyCJ


37 Name: THRILLHO 2005-11-14 20:14 ID:PetFW6Ti

I popped in Virtual On: Oratorio Tangram the other day.


38 Name: THRILLHO 2005-11-16 03:23 ID:ZaneraTN

Dragon Force

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