[Applause]Everytime we finish a game we post here[Praise] (381)

281 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2020-04-30 16:56 ID:YnvjLiXT

Beat Hexen a little while ago
I thought it was good overall but my opinion of it gets worse as the game goes on, especially once I started Death Kings of the Dark Citadel expansion. Even in the main game, I was hoping for an end by the 3rd hub and it just keeps going, there are some good levels afterwards but the 4 just feels like filler. I beat the main game with the fighter easily enough but made the mistake of trying the expansion with the mage, his ice magic is fucking garbage and it takes a long time until you get his good weapon.
I liked Heretic more at this point. At least you get more than 4 weapons at a time.

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