No more heroes
I like how its a satire on "EPIC" plots in general not just games.
But I still consider Killer7 as a better game despite the change from its original script . Cant wait for
Flower, Sun and Rain in October so I can get some sort of understanding of his Kill the Past series.
i am a heron. i ahev a long neck and i pick fish out of the water w/ my beak. if you dont repost this comment on 10 other pages i will fly into your kitchen tonight and make a mess of your pots and pans
Duke Nukem 2. Beat it for the first time after only having ever played the shareware episode and a little bit of episode 2. Played on easy mode this time though as the item and enemy placement tends to be more than a little trollish.
I'm still inclined to say the original Duke "Nukum" was more fun despite the sequel's added glitz and gimmicks.
I've finished beating Borderlands 2!
Just finished Pikmin 1 on the GameCube. Really great game, loved micromanaging all the Pikmin to do different tasks at the same time. Loved planning routes and figuring everything out. Though the game itself was a little on the short side. I'm looking forward to trying Pikmin 2 next once I get some free time.
I 100%'d Celeste. Took 50 hours. It was really fun. I really enjoyed the game.
Beat Black Mesa. Although it looks just slightly too modern for the engine (it's not quite "HL1 with HL2 graphics" but rather "HL1 with modern graphics), and it diverges from the original in some parts, it's still a very high-quality reinterpretation of the original game.
I quite liked BMS but nu-Xen dragged on for way too long. Doesn't really feel as creepy as the original either.
I beat Marathon 1 and 2! The recent updates to Aleph One allow you to play them at 60 FPS. I'm playing Infinity right now and it's really interesting but the level design took a nosedive.
I should really play those some time. I've heard people who hate the engine but apparently Damage Incorporated was built on that engine too and it seemed okay to me (at least the Windows version did). Probably bitchy nitpickers who hate everything that isn't Doom, just like with BUILD games.
100%'d DUSK. Fantastic game. Any old-school quake/doom/hexen etc players would feel at home.
Just wrapped up Xenogears. I'd never played it before. I can see why it's a classic, but damn if it doesn't have a lot of pacing issues.
Played through Black Crypt and ShadowCaster, first time beating either (though I'd played some of ShadowCaster before). As a big fan of the Heretic and Hexen series this was kind of a pilgrimage type thing for me.
Black Crypt was pretty good for what it was (a Dungeon Master/Eye of the Beholder follower) and most of the annoyances in it were par for the course for that type of game (inventory management juggling and the like). I do have to give it points off for having one place where you can fuck over the triggers and make a section unwinnable, which necessitated going back to an old save and redoing some stuff. Aside from that, pretty cool creature/environment/lore designs. As an Amiga game it might be a bit of a pain in the ass to emulate, your best bet is probably to grab TheCompany's repack for painless running, if you're on Windows.
ShadowCaster on the other hand had great concepts, like being able to shapeshift into various cool creatures as you progress, but felt like a showcase in game engine growing pains. Part of it tries to be like Wolf 3-D and the other part tries to be like the earlier dungeon crawlers and it results in this clunky hybrid that's not great at either, with dull combat, annoying inventory management, and even more annoying regen mechanics (the official hint book even suggests parking yourself somewhere safe and going AFK to regenerate as a legitimate strategy, FFS). It's also kind of a letdown that despite having a fully functional hub system (that remembers things that changed around the map, unlike the one in the Catacomb games that reset on every visit) they didn't implement more Metroidvania style stuff. Would have been cool if you could, for instance, go back and explore the lake in the early levels once you had the Kahpa form to swim around in. The CD version does add a couple levels that put some of the niche powers to more use, but at the tradeoff of switching the nicely illustrated intro/ending animations for awkward 3D rendered ones. The CD version also has, through no fault of its own, an issue running in DOSBox because the dumbshit DOSBox devs broke it and then never fixed it so you have to use v0.73 of DOSBox instead. The end boss is also a joke, even more than Korax from Hexen is, just turn into the Grost and punch the living fuck out of him. You'll take damage sure but at full health and with the protection amulet he'll die before you do. I usually sneer at game reboots, but this is one that I think could actually benefit from a do-over.
Finished 車輪の国、向日葵の少女. Felt a bit of everything. Really good game, for once found something that doesn't feel like complete detached from reality escapism. It still is escapism though, and it's sweet.
I finished the original version of Fable: The Lost Chapters on PC. Yes, I have nostalgia for this game but I think it's still one of the best western RPGs, and the issues it has are very minor but some could be annoying to some. The biggest thing that stuck out to me positively was probably the attention to detail, it feels like almost everything, even inconsequential NPCs and objects have flavour text and voiced lines. It kind of feels like the same principle as Betheseda open worlds but instead of vast open spaces that feel almost procedurally generated, it's nearly the complete opposite where there are closed-off spaces that are heavily detailed. I also feel like the humour the series is known for is rather understated here, with a funny line here and there mostly as actual comic relief in cutscenes because of the serious nature of a lot of the storyline or in the optional flavour text. It's not overbearing and given how seedy and dangerous Albion is in the main story it would probably actually break the suspension of disbelief (this happens once, though, with the union jack underwear being a reference to the real world and unless you deliberately undress you see them during one of the most serious parts of the game).
It's not perfect though, the melee combat is rough on PC, at least until you get high-end gear and stats because you basically spam clicks which gets painful after a while. It kind of reminds me of how some people play diablo and its clones so unless you're gonna use a controller I'd recommend using Will or skill for most of the game until you can pour extra points into melee. Near the end of the game, melee combat feels visceral and satisfying, especially killing the minion enemies but until then it feels like Dynasty Warriors in that it feels you're beating people with sticks rather than swords. It's also obvious that it is designed for 1 on 1 combat and it can get clunky when you're fighting groups of enemies. Another thing that is solved by using Will.
Another issue is that when you're escorting people, the sometimes changing voices seems uncharacteristically unpolished and the cheering can be annoying, I get what they're going for though and the reputation system this comes from works well when you're running through settlements and the romance system feels a little half baked (although, maybe romance systems in games not specifically for it or just straight up H-games are inherently limited)
Overall, I enjoyed it a lot and I did a good/hero run, and I thought it was refreshing that you can be a knight in shining armour who marries a woman and has a humble cottage in his rural hometown with zero wink-wink-nudge-nudge/subversion and it kind of reminded me of Fallout New Vegas in that your actions directly affect the world, except it does address that a single person with this much influence would be a legendary figure.
I immediately bought Fable 2 and want to do an evil run and do the side content, but I feel like I have so many games to play/media to consume in general instead of just replaying the same game, but regardless I am glad the game is having a resurgence at least in the modding community. I definitely will be buying a physical copy though, especially since it is under $10!
Onto Diablo II and Quake remakes for the Switch.
Also the atmospheric music is good if a tad generic but I remembered it after finishing the game so hey! Oakvale's theme is very fitting for the atmosphere the game is going for.
>>74 Ah, I really liked it, I think it's maybe one of my favourite Final Fantasys. I cheated though, early on there's a cave with a more difficult route that you come back to later, but you can sprint through up to the back to find a chest with a Deathbringer sword. I did that 6 times so I had one for each character. It has a chance of instant death on hit, with your whole party attacking with these it usually killed nearly every enemy within 10 hits!
It was the old version too where you could fill every character's skill board thing the same rather than different job classes
>>90 Nice! I never finished it... completed Ape Escape 1 and 2 though, I finished AE2 4 times (twice on PS2 with Hikaru/Spike and again on the PS4 just recently).
I bought it again on PS4 for like £4 which is worth it for Monkey Football alone!
>>186 Damn I got to the last level of that, got a bit stuck, then got distracted by something else and never went back to it. I have a few almost-completed games like that, and since time has passed and it's in the end stages of the game it's hard to get back up to speed sometimes
>>298 I finished Enter The Gecko and Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko on PS1, I always thought it was dumb how the voice actor in the UK version changed from in ETG to in 3
10,000 gecks is your reward
now one could ponder how many gecks is worth a kek? well one kek is worth a thousand gecks so ten thousand gecks is worth ten keks see. now go, geck, kek, jej, lmao, xD, kek, kek, lole but dont roflmaoxD or it will be hard to collect one trillion gecks
I borrowed Crash Bandicoot 4 and the Spyro Reignited Trilogy from my brother. A few days ago I finished Crash Bandicoot 4, but not 100%, didn't bother with the inverted levels or flashback tapes or time trials. I got quite a lot of the gems. Then I started Spyro 1 and just finished it right now. Might 100% it today and start Spyro 2
Got 120% on Spyro 1 remake
Finished Borderlands 1. It was alright :)
Finished Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel on the PS4 Handsome Collection. I liked it more than the first one. I'm a dumbass and thought the cross-save feature meant I could continue Borderlands 2 with my Pre-Sequel character, so I spent a bit of extra pointless grinding time after the last boss. Maybe I'll play the New Game+ one day, probably not. One annoying thing compared to the first one is how you can only fast travel to certain places, even though the machines are everywhere, so sometimes I had to try and work out where to walk.
Just started Borderlands 2.
Finally finished Starcraft & Brood War after 20 years.
I finished Borderlands 2 the other day, so I played 1, Pre-Sequel and 2 in a row. They were okay. When I was finishing 1, my friend said they were all the same game, and I see what he meant when I got into 2, I think I liked the PS the best for that reason, the lunar setting with low gravity and ground pounds made it a bit more interesting. Overall I found all the characters annoying and kinda couldn't wait to get it over with, but all I was looking for was a fun non-realistic FPS so I got what I wanted I guess :) Probably won't play 3 unless I get it super cheap in a few years.
After I finished BL2 I finished Wattam, I got halfway through last year and it fell by the wayside. It's very nice though, I love the characters and sounds. The story too, I felt it was like Katamari in that on the surface it seems like a wacky Japanese game with random humour, but there's kind of a deep feeling there, makes you think about the world and how it works and all the people and things in it. Kind of a spiritual Zen feeling or something
I would have got the Platinum trophy if I'd known about keeping the Snowman safe! If you're going to play it, apparently you should eat the Snowman as soon as you can to turn him into fruit, which stops him melting.
I finished NIPPON MARATHON the other day - I had finished one character's story ages ago, so I blitzed through the other 3 then picked up the collectibles to get the Platinum trophy. Anyone else played it? It's pretty fun despite the hilariously bad character models!
I got the platinum trophy in HENTAI VS EVIL on PS4. It took less than an hour. Seems like a simple game made by one guy, but was kinda fun for a while just shooting zombies with different guns.
Got 100% in Kirby and the Forgotten Land. Definitely a great transition to 3D for a classic series, and packed full of content.
Final boss rush (True Arena equivalent) was a bit easier than usual unfortunately, especially with the final Sword upgrade which is totally broken. I feel a little cheap for using it, but at least I did it without items.
Finished the main story of FF7 Remake the other day, I'm going to finish it on hard mode next. Apparently you can beat the big secret superboss to get a limit break boosting accessory and it makes it easy to fly through hard mode, so I think I'll do that
Finished Flipon and Iwaihime.
Flipon was a lot of fun. Basically a modern reskin of Tetris Attack/Panel de Pon, which I had not had the pleasure of playing before. I only played the single player campaign (which is my definition of "finished" here) but I do want to try out the multiplayer sometime if I can convince my tetris rival to give it a go
Honestly, a bit let down by Iwaihime. Started with some great denpa but devolved into boring slice of life, kind of like a reversed version of Ryukishi's normal formula. The end was not satisfying at all despite the very strong opening which is a much bigger problem than the inverse. Reminded me of Yume Miru Kusuri.
Finished Metal Gear Rising on Easy Mode. It was unexpectedly an unironically great game, and instantly got into my top 5 game list.
Now I'm going to replay it on Normal Mode.
>>335 Nice one, maybe I should check it out
I just beat The Silver Case. Very interesting game, dare I say Lynchian? I wish more games did the sort of things this game does. Also, Masafumi Takada's soundtrack is incredible.
Just like >>1 I can't wait to play the sequel, Flower, Sun and Rain... though I'm hoping a remake/remaster is announced because I really don't want to play it on DS.
I finished Tangle Tower. Quite a well-polished game, though the ending was very abrupt and it felt like the game was cut short. Recommended for fans of Double Fine games or Professor Layton / Ace Attorney.
Just got the platinum in Chess Knights on PS4... I think it was maybe a phone game first, it was cheap in the sale. A sort of puzzle game based on chess. Meh
Finally finished DMC3 the other day, now moving to 4
Anyone know where I can get a good CDI copy of Shenmue?
This site has threads from year before 2010.
Finished Disco Elysium. Pretty good RPG.
Midnight Club II (PC) and GITS:SAC PS2 (PCSX2)
Honestly recommend to play them, well the enemies moves dumb in GITS:SAC but the player movement mechanics with Motoko makes up for it
I beat Unreal on hard. It's pretty good. I tried playing a bit of the expansion though and I couldn't stick to it
>>350 Unreal like the first Unreal Tournament game?
The one from 1998. It was also sold as Unreal Gold until Epic pulled it from every store.
Finally got the secret ending on the "Galaxy Battle" scenario in DBZ BT3, took me two days of trying.
Finished Borderlands 3 a couple of weeks ago. I have finished 1, 2, the Pre-Sequel and now 3, got them all for a tenner altogether, and finished them in a year. Didn't really like them. It was a kinda fun FPS but it kept trying to be funny, and it was really not funny. I hated all the characters. I like Tiny Tina more in 3, she was really annoying in the other ones. Most of the missions are “Go to this place, kill everyone and bring me back the thing” then you give them the thing and stand around while the characters talk to each other. I spent all that time shooting them in the face, but they don't take damage.
Jesus MGS 1 is good, takes me back to good ol times when I was a PS1 kid and didn’t have to worry about shit.
Jesus MGS 1 is good, takes me back to good ol times when I was a PS1 kid and didn’t have to worry about shit.
Plenty of us had to worry about not having that codec frequency because we had a rental or shitty reboxed used copy, bruh
i finished SUPERHOT yesterday. i got it 4-5ish years ago but i never finished it because it was "too hard" for me. now that i finished it it got way better with the addition of hotswitch, endless mode and challenges. gonna move on to mind control delete now
>>358 I've only ever played it in VR, but it's a very satisfying game
I finished Raging Loop. It was great, even if it did <a href=>jump the shark, and do a few backflips</a>. Very evocative of Uchikoishi nonsense and feels like it could one day be the progenitor for a nasuverse-style connected universe... but seems like it wasn't so well received in to get the support for many sequels.
Finished Ghost Trick: phantom detective on my 3DS just now
It was a lot of fun, it's a puzzle game but primarily a mystery kind of visual novel I guess? It's not very long but was fun to go through, many twists and turns in the story
I don't have a switch, but it got an HD rerelease on switch a few months ago, which is cool too
I also finished MGS1 a couple weeks ago on my PSP, fun game.
The boss battles where very interesting my favourite was psycho mantis,
where he makes the first person view mode take his perspective, and you
use it to locate him.
The stealth mechanics where a bit dated but the game doesn't overdo the
stealth sections.
>>364 If you're playing it properly, the whole game is a stealth section
I am not the owner, but perhaps the owner should look into this!
Thank you Sam, I will forward this useful information to the owner.
I'm getting into playing Victoria 2 again. I'm not a fan of strategy games but this one was always a lot of fun. I just wish the devs had put more effort into China and Japan. I'm going to go for a Taiping Heavenly Kingdom run and see if I can unite Asia as Jesus' brother.
My brother lent me Spiderman on PS4. I was a bit underwhelmed tbh, but that's mainly because I hate superhero shit. Every line of dialogue made me go maan shut the fuck up... I found the facial animation quite unpleasant as well, especially Mary Jane. I skipped most of the cutscenes because they were so annoying. And there are points where they are having a lovers' argument by text message while you swing around the city, yeah that's really fun >_>
The swinging around the city and the combat were the fun parts, but they only really get fun towards the end when you upgrade your powers. At the start of the game, I felt like the Infamous games did those fun parts better. There is plenty of freedom to kill the bad guys in different ways, and it's fun stringing together flowing combos with ground and air attacks.
I think my favourite bits were when you webbed a bad guy to a wall or obstacle, and then that obstacle is a focal point in a following cutscene, so they appear tied-up and struggling blocking the view of the story XD
I got the platinum trophy then deleted the game.
I just finished a long 5 weeks game in subterfuge (RTS mobile game).
I decided I will play without any diplomacy, I would simply not talk to anyone, so I ended up in fourth place, despite the fact that those faggots (pretty much everyone was going after me) decided killing me was better than going after the player who was going to win, obviously because I didn't communicate with anyone. Trust is a big factor. The joke which is funny, none of them was able to kill me, despite the fact they were more capable than me, in fact in the end they were able to take all my outposts, and I was able to fly with my specialists and my queen to another outpost where I could settle until the end of the game, and just when I was doing this transfer the game ended.
It was fun because everyone was seething that I didn't say much.
Why would I make him $thirty-five dollars, I want to make it for myself. What a scam...
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This week I finished Animal Well (very good) and 1000xResist (sot so great).
Animal Well: I love the trend of recent fez-inspired puzzle games with progressively more abstract layers of hidden stuff and are happy to dial back the tutorials and teach you the mechanics of the game through immersive puzzle solving. Scratched the itch I had from finishing Tunic last year.
1000xResist: Great soundtrack and visual style, but repetitive walking sim segments and lots of needle-in-a-haystack searching really made this a bit of a slog to get through. The story and setting is interesting but I wasn't particularly impressed with the epilogue, and I'm not really sure what the game's trying to tell me.