There was a thread like this in /anime/ and, although it seems to have died from lack of interest, I liked it. Let's try it here.
For instance, assuming >>0's favorite is THE GAME: What fun is a game that can't be won? Also, you just lost it.
My favorite: Metal Gear Solid 3
No protracted arguments in this thread please, just keep it going.
MGS3 sucks because the low level soldiers become the patriots!??= MGS4 sucks too (storywise and BB back alive?!)
Shadow hearts 2
>>2's game sucks because nobody played it
Twisted tales of spike mcfang
>>3 That's my favorite game. Give it back.
2nd favorite game... Um... Wild Guns?
>>4 misspelled Wild Arms, which sucks.
Mendel Palace.
any of you fags up for some browser based shit?
Blizzard should stick with fantasy games.
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
Blocky combat system is BLOCKY, it breaks the entire mood when fighting with it's turned based bullshit. I'm glad BioWare ironed that out in Mass Effect
Team Fortress 2
>>10 Slow as all fuck on my reasonably modern computer which can do HL2 at 200fps at decent resolutions.
Nrvnsqr fucking Chaos.
Conquests of the Longbow: The Legend of Robin Hood
I've never even heard of this.
Totally Rad.
I've never even heard of this.
Megaten Nocturne
Never heard of it, but it's faggy.
Imperishable Night
Too easy.
Too hard.
Too gay.
Dragon Quest clone set in America
Gunstar Heroes
>>20 Didn't get enough recognition even though it didn't suck, thus it sucks though since it wasn't recognized enough.
Monster Hunter
Based solely on learning attack patterns. Nobody beat their first Kut-Ku and you fucking know it. Also, is too addictive a valid complaint?
Gitaroo Man
they didn't make enough of them
ogre battle
uncontrollable battles, abhorrently lengthy and difficult customization, secret plots and stories uncovered only through exploration of utterly pointless and out-of-the-way terrain.
Chrono Trigger
Programmer: Yeah, Jim and I were trying, but there's no way to fix the emulated timing issues with Chrono Trigger, or FF6...
BOSS: OH WELL, chuck it out anyway.
Programmer: you got it, boss.
Silent Protagonist is Silent
Also, not enough innuendo.
Also, some of the main characters are HORRIBLY KILLED in the sequel!
(it was hard to think of bad things about Chrono trigger)
Star Ocean 2
i never played it, but i heard the voice acting is terrible.
Super Mario Bros.3
Mario with a racoon tail. Need I say more?
Fallout 2.
(fallout 2)
You could not see the porno's you stared in.
Total Annihilation
You can't fire your commander's big gun constantly at a rate of 300 shots per minute. Hence, Total Annihilation is bullshit.
Kirby's Super Star.
The minigames sucked
Ocarina of Time
Furry romance between Link and the Zora chick
Wario Ware
oh, and my game would be... oh christ don't know...
Super Dodge ball for NES
merely a shadow of the neo geo version
Bubble Bobble
what kind of game needs two players to get the good ending?
Soul Nomad & The World Eaters
cult-based plot
Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars
Cartoon-like and childish.
Half-life 1.
no gravity gun
no rape option
Paper Mario
Too many dimensions.
Quake 3: Arena
Boring weapons and maps.
Unreal Tournament (1999)
Terrible clone
Kirby's Dream Land 3
how many "friends" does Kirby need!? Also fails for not being as good as Kirby Superstar
Princess Tomato in the Salad Kingdom
Stupid VeggieTales ripoff.
Xenosaga III
Censorship in the North American version, disappointing graphics, and enough cutscenes to give Kingdom Hearts a run for its money.
Too weeaboo.
Oregon Trail
Typhoid. Lots and lots of typhoid.
Fire Emblem 7
no loli sex
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Link totally left that Zora chick hangin'... what a jerk.
Mischief Makers
Game seriously made me think N64 was gonna be a great system.
S4 League
more like Gunz 2.0 amirite?
Ragnarok Online
MMORPG - 'nough said
Silent Hill 2
Shitty command for a good thread, also, too repetitive
Super Smash Brothers Brawl
>>60 Don't need any skills,smashsmashsmash and calls itself a fighting game
Front Mission 3
Way too easy. Also, a ripoff from generic-GUNDAMSHOOTAN-games.
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind.
The combat system is terrible, bland terrain, and SKREEEEE.
Baldur's Gate II
I've never played that one before, but I have seen the title of that product, and I must so it does not exactly roll off the toungue. Couldn't they have called it something awesome like "Ultimate Deathwar of the Infinite Apocalypse"?
Ultimate Deathwar of the Infinite Apocalypse.
i don't think that's a real game - BUT, if it is, i'm intrigued...
warcraft 3
Too many people doing nothing but sitting on Ventrilo playing DotA.
Super Mario Galaxy
i kinda missed the fewer worlds with more stars, but i guess this makes for more variety? (but less of a search for what you have to do, which i also miss)
A boy, his stick, and an older girl. Eventual sex does not happen.
Descent 2
Feels like being tossed around in a washing machine.
Descent 3
Feels like being tossed around in a shiny washing machine.
Chibi Robo
game based on cleaning up your house. Fun.
Star Ocean 2
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Final Fantasy VI
90% cutscenes with 10% gameplay
cooking mama
Warioware for aspiring chefs.
Megaman: Maverick Hunter X
Zero was the only reason anyone played that game - he was way cooler than X.
Chrono Cross
Having around 40 characters who have no personality, and then killing off CT's crew does not make a good sequel, Square.
Radical Dreamers
It was made by Square Co. Enough said.
Shadow of the Colossus
I could believe all the battles in the game except for one. It was the really REALLY mad bulldog type, that kept knocking things over when you climbed up them. Basically, the towers always fell in a certain way, and if they hadn't, you would never have won. it just seemed kinda cheap is all.
Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening.
lol you should have chosen a game that's impossible to criticize like world of warcraft.
that's easy.
If I hear some random NPC shouting "OMG GORDON FREEMAN" one more freakin time...
Here's an idea - give one of your units a goddamn HAZARD SUIT so it can survive more than ONE SHOTGUN BLAST.
on the plus side, though, the story is far more coherent than an episode of Lost.
I'm gonna go with... Phantom Brave
Asian game, enough said.
Total Annihilation
Pixelated little thingies kill pixelated little thingies.
Let's try with... Solitaire ^^
Horrible card game only played by homosexuals and women.
Mine's minesweeper, because I'm a man.
Fallout 3
have they gotten to a point yet after three games?
Alone in the dark (first one)
I haven't played the game, but anything that spawned the movie couldn't have been all that and a bag of chips.
Cave Story
(PS: did I hear right? was cave story coming to the wiiware?)
Only shovelware garbage goes to Wiiware.
(Yeah, you heard right. It's coming to Wiiware.)
Chip's Challenge
I get weirder games than that in my breakfast cereal... oh wait.
Parasite Eve
Aya runs slow as hell!! It's also the reason why I dropped it, I couldn't take it anymore!!!
Hmm... Let's try Final Fantasy VII
It's an RPG
Far Cry 2
Everyone who has a car just HAS to make half-assed attempts to run you over.(But I love it anyway :3)
more like Biocock
Resident Evil 4
more like Resident Evil Whore
Silent Hill 2
more like silent hill...jew?
I'm surprised no one has done...
Grand Theft Auto 4
Hey, cousin! want to take me out on a date?
Mario party
Only 6 year olds play Mario Party.
World of Goo
really old game
A glaring flaw in the Dungeon Keeper game is that it's too perfect.
Singing doens't solve anyone's problems - otherwise Britney Spears would have all her hair and would be a model parent.
Dokapon Kingdom
Left 4 Dead (Demo, lol)
Let's force people to play online with random strangers, thus destroying the incentive for anyone to host servers that don't blow chunks!
Team Fortress 2
lack of pro techniques that make tfc awesome
Wind Waker
If Link's portrait from all of the games in the series were placed along an evolutionary timeline, Wind Waker would be seen as an abomnation.
Goddamn zerg rushes.
Capacom vs SNK 2
Because it's not Capcom vs /Marvel/ 2
Persona 3
I believe a VGCats guest comic said it best...
"No really! at night everyone turns into coffins and it's up to me to protect their souls by shooting myself in the head!"
Ragnarok Online
I cannot correctly pronounce 'Mjolnir'.
Deus Ex
Naming a game after a theatrical saying about plot holes is no way to go through life, son.
Mother 3
Useless dog.
Dynasty Warriors 3
It's a Dynasty Warriors game, for christ's sake. Gundam didn't halp the franchise, what's next, MEGAMAN!? I will say this for it though... It wasn't Dynasty Warriors 5. Zhang-He's ending was... Making all his effeminate warriors dance all night in homage to him?
Final Fantasy Tactics rip-off.
Final Fantasy Tactics
Ogre Battle rip-off.
Ogre Battle
Poor battle AI made the battles frustrating to watch, side stories only unlockable by wandering over completely out of the way areas of the map and finicky event triggers. one or two more training missions would have been nice.
A Boy and his Blob
Eventual sex does not happen.
Counter Strike
You get shot in the head once and get to sit there and watch your friends have all the fun.
Day of Defeat
Boring, sub par WWII clone.
Dragon Warrior Monsters
Gotta catch 'em all! Go, Roostor! Attack his Lambtron!
Ragnarok Online
Balance? What balance? At least I can pronounce "Mjolnir."
Advance Wars
Menu? I think I'll press start! no, wait, it was B wasn't it?
The World Ends With You
Oh shi- I'm wearing all the wrong clothes for this place! no wonder I'm getting my ass kicked!
Final Fantasy Legend
Legend of Zelda remake, only better.
Legend of Zelda
Generic fantasy shit.
Second Life
More like Failed Life
i wanna be the guy
Copyright infringement up the wazoo.
Odin Sphere
Come for the art! Stay for the... uh... Art! Woah woah! Wait! Where are you going...
Starsiege: Tribes
Jump from tower A to tower B. Repeat.
Left 4 Dead.
It's by Valve.
Shiren the Wanderer
It's a Mystery Dungeon game - Instead of making them better, or more complex, they get pallet switches. Also, the only wanderer worth mentioning is Wander from Showdow of the Colossus. Also the cover art sucks. so far we're at -3/10.
Chaos Legion
I dunno - was this intentional? If the whole "you messed with my love" thing is supposed to be a plot twist, it sure as hell wasn't. saw that coming from the opening fmv. Also, GRIND GRIND - oh, did you think that all the enemies were gone? BLAMS here's another screenful.
Romancing Saga - Minstrel Song
Oh a game by Square, I liked Final Fantasy.... Plays any SaGa game "What the fuck is this shit?"
Shitty Tetris Clone
Final Fantasy 1 (any version)
Yay! I got the [whatever], now I just have to... what do I have to do, again? Was there a point to this? I guess I'll just fly around and talk to everyone... again. I really wish I hadn't made an all blackbelt group!
Eternal Sonata
I haven't played Eternal Sonata, but I just want to say an all blackbelt group is fucking hilarious. Killed Chaos in one turn.
I guess I'll say Eternal Sonata sucks cause all the characters are named after music.
Damn journalists.
Michael Jackson's Moonwalker
Damn white suits.
Top Gear
inferior gear game.
guilty gear
Just another button mashing game.
Phantom Dust
Ar Tonelico 2
ugly graphics and cheap you'd think it was made by rpgmaker
Tales of the abyss
Never heard of it, so it sucks.
Final Fantasy VII
Overhyped, fucking "omg i'm cool but i don't really do much more" villain, had not that much for it except the materia system.
Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow
metroidvanias that aren't cave story are boring as shit
mars matrix
puhLEEZE. Topdown shooters are for quarter junkies.
Illusions of Gaia
I've never fucking heard of it, that means it doesn't matter.
Cave Story
2D games are so '90s.
Ken's Labrynth
Ken's Labyrinth.
Ken's fucking Labyrinth???
okay fine. It's too freakin huge. on the ?plus? side, they made it playable on current operating systems.
Guilty Gear XX-2
> Terranigma
It was too good for America.
> Guilty Gear XX-2
Another one? When are they going to convict the damn gears and lock them up in maximum security?
Commander Keen in Aliens Ate My Babysitter!
Hated that fucking pogo stick. And making Jump puzzles with it, gah!
Might and Magic III: Isles of Terra
Might and Magic? More like Blight and Headtick!
Herzog Zwei
Herzog Zwei? Nah!
Zombies Ate My Neighbors
Huge Demonic Babies, 48 levels of the same thing. Also, Fester's Quest-alike if you ask me.
Tales of Symphonia
Beat em up battle system, bash bash bash..oh where you are turned base?
Assassin Blue
despite how good it might be, it just seems too amateurish on the outside for me to bother playing it.
Super Swing Golf
It's not Hot Shots/ Minna no Golf
Yoshi's Island
Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door
It's not the original.
Gokujou Parodius
it's not fair that the only good side scrolling shooters don't take themselves seriously.
Dragon Quest
Ye Olde Englishe
Devil May Cry
Those fucking stairs.
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 + Knuckles
If you drink from the {, you will die.
You were either godlike from the start with like 20 stolen ion cannons following you around all-game, or every mission devastated your units and you're left with nothing. It's kinda weird when the salvage corvette is the best unit.
Beyond Good and Evil
Plot sucks
Halo 3
Cool game, bro
Katamari Damashi
Wow, rolling shit around sure is fun.
Master, We're really in a bind now! <- having to wait through that intro a million times gets real annoying.
Phantasy Star IV
It's a fugly piece of shit.
Gunstar Heroes
Hur dur liked it better when it was called Metal Slug (Hard for me to criticize Gunstar Heroes)
R-Type III
Shit story progression.
Streets of Rage II
Could never find chicken when I needed it.
Baldur's Gate II
I could never get that damn game to work.
No sequel
Resident Evil 5 (demo or for the thievin:p pirates,the game:)
it's just like resident evil 4 EXCEPT WITH BLACK PEOPLE.
fear 2
it's just like FEAR except, oh wait no, it's just like FEAR. Shoot things, wander around the same rooms, see creepy (hopefully you're looking where you're supposed to!), repeat.
Yumi Nikki
Generic RPG Maker game with horrible design and no direction.
Shadow of the Colossus
I liked that shit better when it was called Alien Soldier
Sexy Parodius
Too awesome for foreign release.
Kinda screwed if you dislike the music
Out of this world
The re-release costs money.
Oddworld: Abe's Odysee
fuckin awesome, i cant think of anything negative about that game
.hack series
Fucking horrible, i can't think of anything positive about that game.
GTA Chinatown Wars
Rehash of a rehash of a rehash of a rehash...
Magna Carta: Tears of Blood
Like most JRPGs, looks great, advertised as "unique", plays like shit and the most corny dialogue ever
Sky Odyssey
I hope you realize I was joking.
Also, I liked that shit better when it was called Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow.
Speaking of which, Skies of Arcadia
>>191 that game was awsome! my favorites are a toss up between thief deadly shadows and the chronicles of riddick escape from butcher bay. and the new riddick dark Athena looks to be sweet too.
>>194 dont you mean The story of thor? LOL no
Star Parodier
>>195 didn't I say that it's unfair all the good shooters aren't even taking themselves seriously???
Summon Night: Swordcraft story
The first one sucked compared to the second. Hell, Sugar didn't even give the guy main any loving whatsoever.
Speaking of which, Summon Night: Swordcraft Story 2
<Aside> One might say thst Sugar didn't give him any Sugar </Aside>
canned laughter
At least in the first one, there was no nonsense keeping you from gameplay. Now it seems like the game does everything in its power to keep you from playing efficiently. That being said, Dinah is 10x better than Sugar.
FFFables: Chocobo's Dungeon.
Way too easy and forgiving for a roguelike. Also, the story is nonsensical and the cutscenes are insipid. (That said, I liked the game anyway.)
God Hand.
This game almost gave me a seizure due to playing one game literally for HOURS. I then spent DAYS seeing blocks everywhere.
Too complicated for real-time: Soldat is a better choice.
Dance Dance Revolution: Mario Mix
Started the wave of casual DDR shit. Also, enjoy shitloads of public domain music.
Jet Set Radio Future
Some of the remixes kinda sucked compared to their original songs.
Radia Senki
Tecmo, the minds behind Ninja Gaiden and Dead or Alive, making an RPG? Why don't I just kick myself in the balls for a few hours and call it a game, yeah?
Panzer Dragoon Saga.
Too goddamn expensive.
Fallout 1
Not enough weapons, world map too small.
Fallout 2
Fallout 2: Electric Boogaloo; Same as the first basically but with slightly improved graphics.
Team Fortress 2
The same damn classes with the same damn strategy every time.
Can't see shit, captain and now I'm dead because of it.
Startropics 2
Two Words... SNOW. CAVES.
Final Fantasy XI
Played one MMORPG you played them all.
Unreal Tournament
Played one FPS you played them all.
Jet Grind Radio
I liked it better when it was called shitty music and terrible gameplay.
A Boy and His Blob
Hero ya go, I hope you can figure out where you want to go, the crazy ass path you have to go to get there, and can always remember what beans do what! also, don't use that lime (was it lime?) jellybean until you need it!
Assassin's creed
Do stupid puzzle, walk to the next, kill dude, rinse, repeat.
pokemon silver
Gold had better Pokemons
Europa Universalis III
Every time you play is basically the same and it takes days to do anything.
King's Bounty
Everyone's sick of medieval romanticism
Rhythm Tengoku
I liked it better when it was called Wario Ware
Wario Ware (the first one)
Then Rhythm Tengoku comes along and perfects the formula
Parappa the Rapper
Push the buttons that go along with the music; Repeat until you win the game.
Team Fortress 2
Kiddy FPS with shitty unbalanced gameplay.
Team Fortress 2
Infinite loop
Pff, only scrubs need graphics in their roguelikes.
Slaves to Armok: God of Blood Chapter II:Dwarf Fortress
LMAO 2CAT!!11!!!!!1!!
Roller coaster tycoon 2
Team Fortress 2
Everything that's been said before
Tribes: Vengeance
I liked it when it was called Unreal Tournament
Dragon Quest Heroes : Rocket Slime
I hope you like revisiting old stages again. And again. And Agaaaaaaaaiiin. COLLECTING THINGS FTW. Oh well, at least the music is bouncy.
Final Fantasy Legend 2: The Revengenating
"Well, I finally beat Apollo! Time to go defeat that Arsenal!"
And then the game just felt making sure you NEVER got there. If you got surprise attacked, you were pretty much fucked.
Top Hunter: Roddy and Cathy
Five stages are not enough.
Perfect world
The intro song.
There is no prostitution option.
Bored of the same games on steam? Problem Solved! is the new European server, which offers 1 free game, TODAY ONLY, To all steam users! I Got BF2!
Bored of the same games on steam? Problem Solved! is the new European server, which offers 1 free game, TODAY ONLY, To all steam users! I Got BF2!
Bored of the same games on steam? Problem Solved! is the new European server, which offers 1 free game, TODAY ONLY, To all steam users! I Got BF2!
Just like other MMORPGS, too much grinding and too many dumb people around. You don't even get to look at pretty graphics.
Cave Story
I kept expecting to hear the metroid overworld theme. Also, they didn't make a sequel...
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
Wasn't as wowing as the first
Monster Party
Inspired that halfass eversion game.
Crystal defenders
Cactus Arcade
Shitty game compilation
Retro Game Challenge
Shitty game compilation
Super Mario All Stars + Super Mario World
Shitty game compilation
Sonic Mega Collection +
One good game isn't a collection.
Fallout 2
It's been done twice already. Also, broke the compilation chain.
Penumbra: Black Plague
More dark corridors.
Mirror's Edge (PC)
Now I'm even more terrified of heights. Thanks for making the fall from huge buildings so damn realistically terrifying.
E.V.O. The search for Eden.
it sucks because its old
Monster Hunter Freedom 2
some of the monsters look really gay
Dead Space
didnt scare me at all for a horror game
Shadow of the Colossus
You should be able to squash those dudes at the end, but NOOOOO
Soul Nomad & The World Eaters
lol antialiasing? What's that?
Donkey Kong '94
Breaking your leg when you fall from really high, and while recovering from that, something comes and kills you.
Golden Eye
The paintball gun is totally retarded
TES III: Morrowind
Everyone actually likes Oblivion better, but they lie about it to seem more "hardcore."
Dragon Warrior IV
Accents - especially the russian ones. You're supposed to make them SOUND russian, not just be bad at english.
It's 2000. Adventure games are dead. Move on.
River City Ransom
Guy 1:Damn, I want to keep making games, but I don't have any original ideas, or art!
Guy 2:Not a problem - you can rip off Double Dragon AND use all the art you made for that dodgeball game!
Guy 1:Brilliant!
Shin Megami Tensei
Spoiler: [spoiler]Playing SMT will not make you japanese.[/spoiler]
StarFox 2
Charging sound is vomit-worthy.
No one plays it anymore, so online games are non-existant.
Odell Down Under
I'd rather play E.V.O. frankly. I hear spore is nice, though.
Every RPGMAKER game ever.
The only ones that don't suck are Enter the Doom Chapter 1: Lucido Attack and Yume Nikki
It's not really a game any more as much as it is a PIG DISGUSTING fanbase.
Goddamn Yeti
Sonic Rush
If it didn't exist we could lawl and say there hasn't been a good Sonic game since 1994.
Super Mario 64
It wasn't long enough... sob.
E.T. for the nes.
This sucks major balls as it does not exist, but still it's vastly superior to the original Atari 2600 version.
Graphics were over-produced.
Do you like movies? Good! Do you Like Video Games? Good! Would you like to see what they're like together!? Awesome! The rest of you can go to hell. Also, I've never seen a difficulty ramp up so high since the first Mother game.
Wrecking Crew
Everyone was too busy playing Donkey Kong and Mario Bros. to give a shit.
Wrecking Crew '98
Old man money making scheme.
Conker's Bad Fur Day.
"The Great Mighty Poo"
Ai Cho Aniki
Homoeroticism (though thats actually half the fun of the game)
Grim Fandango
It's an adventure game.
It's taking too long for Diablo 3 to come out.
Valkyria Chronicles
Not enough people bought it.
Too easy.
Futari Ultra
Clearly inferior to Pokemon Yellow, as you cannot talk to your eternal stalker: Pikachu.
Age of Mythology
I'm more of a browser, retro, and indie gamer myself; but surprisingly my favorite game is the first
Ratchet and Clank
Since the last poster BROKE the chain, I'm gonna get it going again.
In response to Age of Mythology: It's like the other actually GREAT game Age of Empires, just without an actual balance of units.
Phantasy Star IV
A game I don't know HAS to suck!
SSX On Tour
You don't know it because you're a PS2 generation kid.
admit it - you bought the sims, had fun for a while, and then degraded into torturing them until you got bored and stopped playing. Then you bought sims 2 - and skipped to the torture. Now in sims 3, you're just hoping they programmed in self-termination of your sims...
Kid Icarus
Nobody cared because they had Metroid.
Steel Empire (Genesis)
Japan does it better.
Vagrant Story
Where to begin, really? Let's just say that if you want to get the good weapons, be prepared to spend hours doing pointless grinding to max out your weapons, re-forge them, and max them out again.
Etrian Odyssey
F.O.E. D:
The Specialists (HL mod)
Kung fu is broken, also roleplaying servers.
Final Fantasy Tactics.
Alright! Super awesome ultra move... GO! Attack that panel 5-panel! Hey, where are you all going? W-wait! No! Don't move out of the way! great, now he's useless for like 10 turns!
Lifeline (ps2)
"Dodge! Shoot the eye! No, dammit, stop! You need those health packs!"
These flying vehicles are sure to enhance teamplay! Now let's ignore them entirely while we abuse a physics bug that lets Heavies move like Scouts!
Star Control 2
>admit it - you bought the sims, had fun for a while, and then degraded into torturing them until you got bored and stopped playing. Then you bought sims 2 - and skipped to the torture. Now in sims 3, you're just hoping they programmed in self-termination of your sims...
It's TOO good - They still haven't topped it.
patapon is a mindless indy game. still fun tho.
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
execution of the story wasnt really up to par, fun nontheless
Gotcha Force
Computer AI sucks
Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA
Lags to the point of unplayability, though that might be my fault for putting it in CSO format.
My girlfriend is the PRESIDENT ( )
It's not about American presidents in skirts.
Tales of Phantasia
Never liked the LBMS, didn't get to finish the game, the cartridge died, receptacles, connectors, all that crap.
Luisure Suit Larry
It's a shitty rip off of Leisure Suit Larry.
Nothing new under the sun.
Sonic The Hedgehog 1 (Megadrive/Genesis)
Not as good as the Master System version
Ys 3
Wait, you mean the Jurassic Park game, right?
Yup, Tresspasser: Jurrasic Park (by Dreamworks Interactive)
Not enough bullets. Needs more bullets. And caravan mode could've used more bullshit.
Holy Invasion of Privacy, Badman!
Who needs a title when you can just make a pun out of a pop culture reference?
Tech Romancer
Game sucks balls, also has a gay name.
Unlike Final Fantasy VII.
Get the fuck out of here with that shit.
Ai Senshi Nicol
Never came out in the states, thats why it sucks.
I thought it will be about making maps.
Jet Set Willy
Sounds like it's about a penis, which it probably is.
Chakan: The Forever Man.
Is a boring platformer with a generic antihero.
Sid Meier's Pirates
I don't remember any shanty in that.
Sim City (any)
So, you've managed to build the perfect city - a veritable utopia upon which all civilizations should tremble with delight.
How would you like to destroy it? I recommend fire.
Lufia 2: Rise of the Sinistrals
turn based rpg zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Borderlands: Zombie Island of Dr. Ned
The only redeemable feature I found of Borderlands is that it's case makes a decent coaster.
Shenmue II
This game (and its prequel) invented the cancerous tumor upon gaming known as the quick time event. Therefore, regardless of its supposed brilliance, it's shit for that reason, and that reason only.
Super Mario Bros. 3
Yet another side-scroller involving a little red man.
It doesn't have the girls falling in love with the rapist like they should.
yggdra union
The fuck is that?
Metal Gear Solid
"Oh, I forgot! Look on the back of the CD case..."
2 hours of ludicrous searching in all the offices in the game leads me to look at a faq, only to realize they meant the CD case OUTSIDE THE GAME. FUCK YOU! This isn't the 1970's you pricks, people buy shit used! Maybe I didn't GET the fucking case, you assholes! Gawd.
Star Fox Assault
It still had Krystal in it.
Petz Catz 2
Stop making up games.
Supporting a letter campaign to see if Konami can be convinced to release Tokimeki Memorial 4 in English. Below is a letter that can be sent to Konami if you're too busy to make your own. Edit as needed or seen fit. Mail the letter to the following address:
Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc.
2381 Rosecrans Ave, Suite 200
El Segundo, CA 90245
Only costs you a few minutes and 50 cents in stamps.
*** *** *** *** ***
Full Name
Your Address Line 1
Your Address Line 2
January 11, 2010
Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc.
2381 Rosecrans Ave, Suite 200
El Segundo, CA 90245
Dear Konami:
In December of 2009, the long awaited fourth entry to the critically acclaimed Tokimeki Memorial series was released for Sony PSP in Japan. The standard upon which other simulations of its kind are judged against, the Tokimeki Memorial name enjoys an august status in the gaming community, identifiable by casual and hardcore gamers alike. Yet for fifteen years the celebrated Tokimeki Memorial lineage has been systematically passed for localization and marketing onto Western shores. I ask for an end to this grievous mistake: please localize Tokimeki Memorial 4 into English.
It has been argued that media such as Tokimeki Memorial 4 are fated for inevitable failure in the Western market. Indeed Konami once tried exploring these very same waters with Brooktown High in 2007, which suffered hardships during development and dismal commercial reception. Let me refute these claims with a single statement of fact: Brooktown High is as far from Tokimeki Memorial 4, as Snake’s Revenge is to Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. Unlike the disappointing and ill-fated Brooktown High, Tokimeki Memorial 4 embodies everything that brought success to the genre it helped establish (and everything the former regrettably lacked): enriching storylines, captivating characters, traditional anime artwork, commanding voice acting, strategic game play, hidden secrets, worthwhile replay value, and the even legendary Konami Code.
Despite the unfortunate situation of being devoid an English release, the entirety of Tokimeki Memorial enjoys a devout following in the West. Prior to its release, Tokimeki Memorial 4 enjoyed prominent advertising on import sites such as Play-Asia and National Console Support, with individuals going so far as requesting preorder availability of the $300 collector’s edition. Limited translations and extensive walkthroughs for various generations of the series can be found throughout the Internet, from Wikipedia to GameFAQs, requested and compiled by passionate supporters. Thus it comes as no surprise that repeated inquiries for localization are periodically posted on forums that specialize in such activity, the popular Atlus and NIS America among them.
Were Tokimeki Memorial 4 to see Western shores, there is compelling reason to believe the slumbering market Konami unsuccessfully extended a hand to find with Brooktown High would awaken and reciprocate with eagerness. Furthermore the depth and diversity of game mechanics in Tokimeki Memorial 4 would open doors to those unfamiliar with the series, owing from groundbreaking qualities that continue to earn praise and commanding reviews in Japan. With adequate advertising and enthusiastic community driven word of mouth, even exclusive distribution through the PlayStation Store would see positive turnout. Retaining the Japanese voice acting to expedite delivery and lower production costs could serve as a selling point towards those supportive of localizations maintaining an untainted presentation.
Konami is admired and respected for its bravery and innovation in digital entertainment. I encourage Konami to honor an iconic franchise to pioneer a market that remains untapped in North America, Europe, and Australia, thereby proving what many already know to be true: that the Western market is ready for a Tokimeki Memorial.
Full Name,
Guaranteed Purchaser of Tokimeki Memorial 4 in English
>>340 Lawful Stupid.
Phantasy Star Online... Episode 3.
They keep makin' 'em, and I keep not buyin' 'em. Also, episode three was turned into a card battle game.
Okage: Shadow King
Never came out in Europe
Keio Flying Squadron 2
Never heard of it.
Was one of a kind. Didn't even have a sequel.
Pooyan (and try to not make obvious joke on the name ;) )
There's a fucking wolf wearing a fucking ball cap and fucking polka dot pants on the fucking cover art.
Opposing Force
It was only an expansion pack.
Ruined the chances to succeed of countless other FPSs when it came out.
Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga
It's not a Zelda game.
Red Faction
Even in old Rampage you could have more fun of destruction... Wait...
Rampage... Repetitive as all fuck. I played through all the levels and it was all the same exact thing. If I still had that game, which I don't, I would go and break it with a hammer right now to spite you.
007: The World is Not Enough (N64)
007: The World is Not Enough??? What is wrong with you? Is Goldeneye too amazing for you?
Megaman 3 (NES)
It was not 007: The World is Not Enough
Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow
It was not 007: The World is Not Enough either :P
No One Lives Forever
ONE MORE F***ING Bond game.
Time Fcuk
>>355, did you actually play No One Lives Forever? The only thing Bond about it is being a hilarious parody of the movies at their campiest.
As for Time Fcuk: Flash sucks, as do monochrome pixelated 'retro' graphics and one-trick platformers.
No One Lives Forever 2
You have to play as a chick.
Persona 4.
You have to play as a dude
Dragon Age Origins
Expensive downloadable content.
Halo 1.
The friendly ai/health rating is shit. My team always gets raped, especially on that level where you have to assault that alien ship.
I hoped for much more creativity, not just following paths put there by designers. But then... it is common flaw of most games.
Subwar 2050
who wants to play a simulation? go friggen learn instead of simulate a submarine driver...who plays on PCs anyways? everyone plays game consoles.
Oddworld: Abe's Exodus
Can you play Oddworld: Abe's Exodus on PS3? Or you have to keep for PS for that? :P The game was fun though.
Supreme Commander (and I bet the sequel will be nice&easy dumbed down on X360)
Microhassle while your SupCom gets rushed with helos? No thanks.
Deus Ex
Wasn't popular enough, and there's no free download.
Tales of Symphonia
Which one's that now? I like series better when they just put a number at the end.
It's so bad that it caused this thread to die for three years.
Drill Dozer
It's so obscure that it almost caused this thread to die again right after it was resurrected.
It used to be good, but then it took an arrow to le meme.
Get range for the next battle
Fuck you lag sish
Enjoy your Kimichi
Imbalanced classes out the ass.
Card Fighters Clash
nobody ever heard of that shit
Strategy games are for uncool nerds
Dark Messiah of Might and Magic
Obnoxious love interests.
Chakan: The Forever Man
Horrible music & sound effects, clunky controls, bad level design
Ultima Underworld
By D2 do you mean diablo 2?
If so then lack of easy means to transfer items between characters in single player.
tomb raider!
You did it for Lara's tits.
Master of Orion
Inferior to civilization
shitty arcade game rightfully overshadowed by its sequels. also the only half-decent port was for the turbografx cd, of all things
Dead scene
super mario world
SMB3 is still the best Mario.
Severance: Blade of Darkness (Or Blade: Edge of Darkness, depending where you're from, I guess)
I prefer Edge: Severance of Darkness
La-Mulana (the PC remake)
han juri is nasty shemale!
resident evil series.
silent hill series
if i want watch video i rent porno! tell why resident evil suck in WORDS.
You were almost a Jill sandwich.
Vinyl Goddess from Mars
Contributed to functional illiteracy by inviting impressionable children to visit "The Caverns of Choas" in the intro text.
Ancient Domains of Mystery
Sellout roguelike that never open-sourced and is now going on assReam.
Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup
Oh ho, those silly players found another method to win more than 10% of the time? Time to nerf the shit out of this one too.
Nonsensical mishmash of Tolkienian lore without being very faithful to any of it. And if you miss an artifact it's gone for good.
Sword Master (the NES one, not any other game that might have that title.)
The "style over substance" entry in the series
LSD: Dream Emulator
Not a particularly accurate emulation of dreaming, or LSD for that matter.
Civilization II
Elevated nuke-happy Gandhi from an innocent bug into a moronic joke.
Crusader Kings II
japanese no'1 game FF14
I've never had any training with this gun, so that means I cannot accurately cap a guy in the head from five feet away.
Crusader Kings II
CKII is like digimon: started off as an original idea and quickly spun into a ripoff of a Japanese property.
Animal Crossing GC
Nothing ever happens. You keep trying to get money to get out of debt and keep running up more debt until you get bored and quit. Villager interaction is shallow.
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
To keep the thread going, I'm going to reply as if >>418's game was so:
Just another generic shoot 'em up, they're a dime a dozen.
another gripe about Diablo 2 I forgot to mention is how for the higher difficulty levels they nerf your resistances!
>>420 Generic dungeon crawler in my opinion.
Dystopia, go!
I really enjoyed sonic adventure 1.
Sonic Adventure 1 had shit camera and level design.
I like Super Mario World.
Encourages you to murder the poor innocent Yoshi by jumping off his back to get greater distance over the middle of a chasm.
it's an overly basic hack and slash without enough to do to stop it from becoming menial
rune factory 4
No good marriage candidates for female protagonist.
Legend of Mana
Shitty co-op compared to earlier installments and there's no punishment for dying.
Planescape Torment.
Game focuses on its writing to the detriment of both game mechanics and game stability - anything beyond dialogue is a poorly-coded and designed slog and any higher-level magic has a good chance of simply crashing the game.
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate.
Turned what used to be a life and death struggle against a monster into a 4 player clusterfuck where the monster isn't even hard because of it being mounted and toppled every 60 seconds. The game is also doubled in content because of the amount of recolored monsters.
Link's Awakening
Link's Awakening was too good to require graphics to compensate for it's inadequacies. Sword of Mana on the GBA looked better, played better, had a better story even though I can't remember it. It was amazing to play for the time on a GBASP, enough to escape the imperatives of other things. Though I was sure i'd get killed so nothing had any permenance, problems could be endured. Getting killed larger than any other issue.
Return to Zork
worst zork EVER, there were no captions to the speech so if you were deaf or didn't have a sound card the game would basicly be unplayable.
street fighter 2
cammy is nasty shemale
Initially I planned to give somewhat of a tentative recommendation based almost entirely on the game's gorgeous environments and striking atmosphere, but as I went on playing I found that beyond that there was nothing there for it. The writing is abysmal, and even if I tried to look at it through a more tongue-in-cheek lens so much of it is just empty. It’s not an amusing kind of bad either (like “Rise of the Dragon”, which is another point-and-click game that puts style over substance). There’s no sense of weight to this world that ironically enough fleshes itself out only visually, but has absolutely no other substance to it. It’s completely hollow of personality, of characters, of emotion or of any real world. It’s a beautiful backdrop of nothing.
The biggest question I had while playing was “Why should I care about what’s going on?” And the only answer I had was “to see what backgrounds I get to see next”.
It seems the game itself too, works in a similar sense. Rather than the story painting and weaving together the backgrounds, it's vice versa.
The protagonist has virtually no personality, never acts on his own behalf, and the character we portray onto him fails to convey any realism because he doesn’t talk like a normal human being would. With whiny dialogue choices that essentially all boil down to “I’m the hero, you should listen to me”, the cardboard-cutout cast just eventually plays into it and he gets to play the hero like he wants. Maybe this is all some depressive fantasy of his -- this lonely, abandoned middle-aged geek who retreats to his comic books for comfort, and dreams he’s the hero. He’s wanted, he’s loved, and he gets exactly what he wants in a Total Recall all-goes-right kind of adventure. But even if it were the case (and it’s not, unfortunately), it wouldn’t forgive the extremely unfulfilling game experience.
The problem is, in the context of Noctropolis, the "silent protagonist" trope doesn't work. There's a reason adventure games almost never have silent protagonists, and this is because they're entirely narrative-driven. For a narrative to work, it needs to have a pivotal main character we can relate to. Games like HL2, Zelda, Dead Space, etc -- the story is not the primary focus, it is the gameplay that drives the story forward, whereas it's vice-versa in point-and-clicks. In a genre with this amount of focus on narrative, it's just not suited for a silent protagonist, especially with one as poorly done as the one in Noctropolis.
Sonic 3 & Knuckles
The special stages are fucking horrible, the insta-shield is next to worthless, and a lot of the enemies are a huge pain in the ass.
It's boring until you get to Twoson, Stonehenge is tedious.
Ace Combat Zero
Ace Combat Zero moar liek just Zero amirite
Crusader Kings 2
>Wait to get fucked over by sweden simulator
10+gb of hats
age of empires 2
AoE2 is just an endurance competition of who can continue to mash the queue unit button longer. AoE3 was objectively better in every way.
Final Fantasy XI
Not a video game.
Super Mario 2
which resident evil was the one with the trans gender virus and the boss monster that was some guy who grew boobs?
It's not even Mario, just reskinned Doki Doki Panic.
The Ultimate Doom
diablo pee. shitty community.
Homeland for the Gamecube
Nostalgic thing for oldies nobody cares about.
RE Dead Aim, Ps2
I don't think it was exactly a transgender virus as much as it was just what he mutated into
but it was called the T. G. virus, was it not?
at least jill didn't grow a dick.
Old, unfunny memes aren't games.
Shin Megami Tensei 3: Nocturne featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry Series
>"Old, unfunny memes aren't games."
>posts an old, unfunny meme
Majora's Mask
My favorite is cave story!
Cave Story sucks because it isn't literally flawless like Majora's Mask.
Breath of the Wild
I'm banned on /v/ right now.
Dragon's Dogma
literally just "what if skyrim was japanese"
My blood keeps getting smaller
Ok cool, but what’s your favorite game?
Mine’s Killer7.
The North American cover art has too much red and black on it. This is the only possible criticism because the game itself is flawless.
No More Heroes
Lightsaber Wagglefest
Shadowrun, the FPS on the xbox 360.
The cross platform multi-player was a decent idea, but it was poorly implemented and left the PC players to absolutely dominate the console players.
My favorite is Phantasy Star IV
A fucking JRPG on a the sega genesis with worse gameplay than it's competitors that couldn't decide if it wanted to be a fantasy or sci-fi setting, and sucks at both.
My favorite vidya game is Mega Man X, on the super ninty
You don't have the dash at the start, and it's entirely possible to defeat 7/8 Mavericks without it, making the game artificially more difficult.
My favorite video game is Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles.
No multiplayer mode
Double Dragon
Punching whip-toting butch women is sexist and homophobic.
this is for whites only
Minecraft Snapshot pre-release 8
Also there are no rules besides the first one
> Hexen
All the console ports were ultra-shitty even by '90s standards.
> Minecraft
Inspires self-professed retards to spam 4-ch with their KKK servers. Also a garbage Infiniminer ripoff with unfocused gameplay and nothing but lolrandom additions like magic and new animals ever since early beta.
I have nothing bad to say about Factorio, well maybe the fact that if you don't pay attention to what time it is (maybe day), you can become unemplyed and homeless just like that.
Katana ZERO
Tired retro aesthetic on top of a Castlevania clone
Klonoa: Door to Phantomile
Klonoa's peak furry-bait, enough said.