ITT We talk about whatever game we feel like talkin about (251)

209 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2024-03-11 13:22 ID:0BjPZuzo


>They already do that

Yeah I knew about that, I was meaning specifically like how in MGS1, Snake has direct one-to-one communication with the Colonel, then in MGS2 this role is replaced by an AI version of the Colonel. In real life, a human commanding officer can command his troop as a whole, but can't give every soldier his full attention at all times; if all of that officer's expertise and experience could be stored as an AI entity and each soldier had their own personal Colonel guiding them in real-time in battle, military operations would be more efficient...
We already have this happening with AI chatbots of famous figures, I wonder how long before individual real-life soldiers will be making decisions in the field based on AI guidance...
I'm stoned and I'm rambling hehe :P

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