(*´Д`) Let's talk about masturbation! (259)

28 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-10-02 03:52 ID:RdvN65aS

i'm a futanari fapper
i love futanari, sometimes i imagine i'm a futanari haveing sex with a cute futanari....

ohhh god stop tormenting me.....

i fap alot. i used to fap three to four times a day, so much that i failed to get grades. but now, when i don't live at home anymore, i only fap once a day or less.

i made a girl upset recently, when i felt my desire of lust...
she was ill and wanted to sleep. well it's hard to explain, nothing happend actually, so it was fine. but i didn't let her be, i was calling her and so on...
i really feal like a moron...
i always make mistakes....
i always do inapproriate things....
i always say inapproriate things....

she then yelled at me, after a couple of days.
i tried to solve the problem, but she said no when i asked her if i could make up for the things i did.
i wrote a letter to her explaing who i am, and that i felt sorry. i didn't of course mention my futanri obsession.....

i'm not really in love with her...
it's just that i don't know what to do with my sexual desire...
well i like girls, but i love girls with dicks...
and i wish i was a futanari...
i'm really alone....
i wished i had person who i could talk to, about futanari....

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