(*´Д`) Let's talk about masturbation! (259)

31 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-10-02 15:51 ID:Heaven

I really enjoy watching deepthroat pornography while I fap, it never fails me! But with my looking throughout 4chan's image boards, iichan, etc, rarely are those types of pictures posted :( Is this just a small niche of people that enjoy it? Or do Japanese artists just not draw it? What's the Japanese word for deepthroat? I always have to turn to north american/european sources for deepthroat (asian girls don't seem to be very good at it, or blowjobs in general; if only I could find one who was..)

I suppose I should outline my method of best masturbation. You can heighten orgasm by holding your breath just before and during it. Some people take this idea too far and actually die from it: I think they wrap a belt around their next and it's called autoerotic asphixiation (DON'T TRY THIS). Also, if you combine holding your breath with prostate stimulation, even if you're naturally quiet when you masturbate, you will really have to try and restrain your voice!

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