(*´Д`) Let's talk about masturbation! (259)

1 Name: !sgMKR2DUjA 2005-08-08 14:23 ID:S7IIrmjd

I know you do it.
But where? How? Do you do anything out of the ordinary?
Do you sit on your hand and make it go numb so it feels like someone else?
Maybe you're a chick and it's not a fap fap fap but a schlick schlick schlick?

What kind of porn gets you off? Do you even look at porn?

It would be wise to be Anonymous in this thread I think, unless you want to be a wanker.

76 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-12-17 21:49 ID:aBzokQZI

>>74 actually it IS true baka, read up on medicine will you.

77 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-12-17 21:58 ID:aBzokQZI


"but thankfully I remembered that this is the Internet, where people will happily post all manner of urban legend as though it were fact. Such as your post, for example."

but thankfully i too remembered this was the internet, where people with an iq lower than their shoe size stop drooling on the keyboard long enough to troll other people's posts calling them "urban legend"... kina like how "global warming" and "evolution" are also urban legend.

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