WTFux/IICHAN merger democratic forum (247, permasaged)

1 Name: Lain!YsrYiS7Bco 2005-09-24 05:12 ID:mtMDRl4J

Wanna know why I brang a shitstorm upon myself? Attention! The only fucking way I can get anyones attention these days is to make a scene.

WTFux and IICHAN will not merge until a proper democratic decision has been made by the majority of iichan and WTFux moderators, as well as VIP's and general users of both communities.

Discuss here, comrades.

2 Name: Mix!iunFgPzE5U 2005-09-24 05:15 ID:jX2jnNuk

i agree with this merger :o

3 Name: !0INoloLcP.!!AXlGGRjX 2005-09-24 05:16 ID:Heaven

i am against wtfux merging with iichan, but only because i'm fully of fear of loosing "the" wtfux i know. but since i see no other way, GO AHEAD AND DO IT.

4 Name: lolocaust!rsvcwx6Axc 2005-09-24 05:16 ID:Heaven

  1. Why are we discussing this here and not on /wcd/?
  2. Thanks, but no, thanks.

5 Name: foto 2005-09-24 05:16 ID:dmdjtWMo

i'm for the merger plzzzz. i think this will be good for us. already things seem better. we can also weed people out this way. c'moooon.

6 Name: Dru!z3ZNK987RA 2005-09-24 05:17 ID:8OP2IHrf

I don't have a big preference one way or another, as long as the idiocy is kept to a minimum, preferably through technological means (I'm looking at you, BlackMage.)

Trolling via subterfuge is fine, though. It tickles me that most of those kids still haven't gotten the joke.

7 Name: cho0b!zSGCho0BnY 2005-09-24 05:17 ID:Heaven

WTFux has already had a democratic vote and we are for the merger.

There were some people that disagreed with the merger; You people feel free to share your opinions here. t('.'t)

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