WTFux/IICHAN merger democratic forum (247, permasaged)

100 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-24 09:45 ID:WJwtxftV

State of the thread:


Both have been pretty reasonable, although cho0b couldn't resist the dig at the Anonymous troll.

Winner: Lain.


Pretty lame. You have a minor crisis here, with heightened emotions on both sides, and the best both sides can do are the blunt insults and obvious digs? Come on.

Winner: No one.

Reasonable people:

I think most people are just afraid their happy, known culture will be uprooted. Based on what I've seen so far, I doubt a full merge is going to work. A separate presence is possible, but a little sad. If Lain or someone else could give some good reasons or methods for a fuller merge?

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