WTFux/IICHAN merger democratic forum (247, permasaged)

163 Name: dunkinbean!vZIEseS8Jk 2005-09-25 13:07 ID:gtkGz3Gw

The problem i've always seen with IIChan since it's rebirthen is the lack of an awesome community like that it had back before it died last year. As nobo put it /b is just processed 2ch garbage now, where in the past it was actually really comparable and sometimes better than 4chan's /b. The rest of IIChan is mostly just Sling posting on the anime boards (suck it), and those who are dedicated to the niche boards. The IIFux idea can only bring good things in making IIChan cooler than 4chan again.

I, Dunkinbean, pledge allegiance to this merger.

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