WTFux/IICHAN merger democratic forum (247, permasaged)

176 Name: _ns!yYqlaT62VQ 2005-09-25 19:27 ID:p4vGXb5V

Just to chime in here, I am wholeheartedly against this thing. I left iichan a while ago for a good reason and have no desire whatsoever to return to those parts.

I was - and still am - interested in knowing just how much I'd have to shell out per month to keep WTFux separate. $200? $300?

ALSO: I think that most of these posts should be thrown out as not being the opinions of "iichan and WTFux moderators, as well as VIP's and general users of both communities." (I interpret general users quite specifically as those who have been with a community for some time and whose voice would be one which actually should matter - eg if Kihei posted something it would not merit the weight of a post by one of the moderators) Furthermore, people who can't form a fucking sentence should perhaps be overlooked. This unintentionally miserable grammar is getting to me a little.

Of course, having said this, I don't know what the merger entails, except that there is already a #wtfux on zirc owned by someone who has a parody of Bill's name, that the iichan mods are widely known to be faggots and drooling retards, and that the users are even worse, if possible.

I'd like to take time to respond to each and every poorly-formulated post in this moronic oversized thread, but I have neither the time nor the inclination, and, to be quite frank, most of you aren't even worth it.

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