WTFux/IICHAN merger democratic forum (247, permasaged)

187 Name: nobuyuki!GfMr2LTKW. 2005-09-25 23:24 ID:Heaven


Unlike other places, just about every "troll" I saw there had a name and a trip. I like that, cause then I can go "oh that's just x being a goonie". Would you rather be annoyed by the constant asshole with no name? Seriously.


hint: lurkers aren't contributors. contributors make the majority of the community, because lurkers aren't part of the community. They're just weirdo's outside the fence and if that offends you, fuck yourself kindly :B

That brings me to another point, >>185 is correct, that some anonymous users are possibly longtime contributors. Here's the problem -- there is no way of knowing for sure which anonymous who votes ye or nay is actually a contributor, or just a loudmouthed piece of crap who never does anything for the site but will scream like a banshee should we decide to change the baby's formula. Therefore, all we are left with to determine who's opinion is worth pondering over (and to what gravity), is users who have had a name which we can associate with a mod or VIP. This, of course, gets a lot of resentment from some anonymous users, but once again, how can we know which ones are actually worthy of complaining, and who contribute nothing?

Hereby requesting list of the mods/vip's who voiced their opinion, and whether it was for or against. too lazy to do it himself

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