WTFux/IICHAN merger democratic forum (247, permasaged)

74 Name: nobuyuki!GfMr2LTKW. 2005-09-24 08:19 ID:SlixXTvd

Here's what I think. I was all for this push, and I guess the minute Lain hopped on board was the minute it was "official". I didn't think cho0b would go for it, but now that I believe most of WTFux is all for it, I think it's a good thing for iichan. WTFux has a community which is active and contains users who are fun to post with. IIChan mostly contains rabid people with a hankering for niche boards, and pseudojapanese anons. The "funloving" community had mostly migrated to WTFux, and there are several ex-iichan members who would like to join up with their comrades again, and vice versa.

I approve of this merger. Furthermore, IIChan + WTFux > 4chan AM I RITE?????????

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