What jobs do you gaijin have that are currently in Japan, or what jobs have you had if you are no longer there?
20 Name: kage-tan!YtLk0e6tn2 2005-10-11 09:35 ID:H4dnjaXI [Del]
Hm. Scary. I fear I may join these people within a decade. Ahh, what you won't do for love. But then again, Japan is pretty interesting. Just like everywhere else.
Agreed with >>1
i wanna know too. Curious.
JET program?
I'm asking a question that was asked on another thread. I thought it might get a response if I made a new thread with the question clearly stated.
This is the worst thread in the history of 4-ch. Please die.
God damn you. I guess no one is working in japan. Fuck you >>4
There is no answer to your question beacuse nobody here lives and works in japan.. and never did.
Not only did you feel the need to ask the exact same question that was already asked in the previous post in a thread, then you go and make ANOTHER NEW THREAD to ask it a THIRD time? Are you some sort of sociopath, or what?
I was the first one to ask the question in the last thread. So this is the second time. Oh well.
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Oh, no! Shitty posts are here!
I managed to stop it. Please escape to another thread.
Hurry! Hurry! Don't worry about me!
Who cares.
sage for great justice
Jesus, 4ch is full of children.
lol ;_;
| \
|Д`) No one is here.
|⊂ I can dance now !
♪ ☆
ヽ(´Д`;)ノ RANTA TAN
♪ ☆
ヽ(;´Д`)ノ RANTA TAN
i work at a kwik-e mart!!
thank you, come again
in another 10 years when this thread gets back down into the archive
Friend working there. He has chinese blood and studied jap to uni grade; so he can pass as jap at a glance. He's basically there as an office boy; maybe office manager now. I can ask his experience of working there.