why os 4chan so racist and stereo typical?//whats wrong with africanime[african anime]? (170, permasaged)

61 Name: 18 2006-02-04 05:56 ID:NmnbiDVz

If there's one thing I can tell you about myself, it's that I'm certainly not violent or short-tempered. And I most likely wouldn't beat anyone up either, if you haven't noticed.

Also, I thought you would notice the fact the he said "a big group" and that I had quoted it and said that it would increase chances of something happening. That, therefore, infers that something might not necessarily happen. That is, assuming the group wasn't a group that purely consisted of old people, who would probably just make a comment about America's youth and respect, or young kids, who wouldn't know what the heck you were saying.

>Personally, I don't like being insulted.

Personally, I think any other insults are minor in comparison, except for possibly other racist ones. But, I'm biased.

>I think you should quit perpetuating the stereotype that black people, in general, would.

I didn't really say "in general." However, if you say it in front of an average big group of most likely teens and/or young adults I wouldn't be surprised if at least one of them did.

Also, in >>60 you said "he implied that black people react violently to insults" but in >>51 "that black dudes are violent"

Being more likely to react violently to a certain racial insult =! are violent

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