I know some people want to create their own imageboard, but don't know how to. So I went and created a site where anyone can create a board with a click of a button. The site's pretty new.
Once you create a site, you'll be admin/mod of it to do whatever you want.
The site's here-->http://www.anonib.com/
My temporary site where I play around is here:
Oh god, I remember anonib. I fapped to so much final fantasy pr0n back then.
cheak out this image board text board
Woah. I saw this thread and clicked the link. Looks like someone bought up the old anonib.com domain and installed kusabax on it...and filled it with 9001 porn boards. However, it seems as though the current admin may be a Facebook user, based on how he or she types.
It came back now let's fap again! :D ( -_-)
well fuck
1.get kusaba X
2. get server n stuff
3. get domain
4. put up site
5. get hacked
6. CP posted
7. admin password changed
8. get v&
9. enjoy time in prison
Just make your own imageboard/textboard software you lazy cunt
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Anonib has a baord for bigtits
imageboards are so passé
this ^
but all boards are retarded if you make them, none will get popular unless you make it based on your country like swedechan or yilyuata
Please stop making chans
i find it funny that people still use kusaba x
Who here /big guy/?
I wish anonib came back
The closest thing we have to it now is 8ch, and 8ch is the most reddit imageboard on the internet
Trump Won.
good times, full of cancer but good times
olá, negros do brchan~
I wish I could have posted in the segaholics board
Is it that hard to do?
Just hook up on 4kun
I don't think 4-ch is even related to any of those sites...
"As you can see here, this thread dates back to the prehistoric days of the interweb, with comments from anon dating all the way back to 2006!"
What do you mean prehistoric? What year is it now?
I have my own private imageboard on my local network that I use for "blogging" to myself sometimes by just posting things I like that I've come across. I save it for the things I liked the most though so there's not a lot on it.
Wonder if I should take it public one day or not, but I kinda like that I have an imageboard just for me. It's my board and only mine. It's a nice thing to have.
Well, it's not what I expected, but the resulting site is pretty hawt. ٩(ˊᗜˋ)و
It has one user and zero bots. Pretty good ratio.
Let's consider the etymology of the word "blog". It originated from the term "web log" and it refers to a post log that's posted onto the web. A private web log is no less of a web log than a public web log. You are posting logs onto your own private roll of logs.
The only log I care to mention is the one I deposited in the lavatory a moment ago.
>>107 If your log is so remarkable you should post it on /img/!
>>109 I'm not a Merican shits in your mouth Now learn to use a shift key!
Cool to see the guy who made the OG Anonib advertised it here. Interesting times...
hi, I am really looking for a good host that is ad free, allows adult content to be uploaded, and allows the installation of the kusaba script, I am using metrohost.info, and it uploaded without any errors, but when I go to set it up, it says that access is denied, which sucks because I spent all that time uploading it only to have it not work, so if there is anyway I can find a better host, or even a host that has preinstalled kusaba scripts, I just want to create my own chan, something that has not been introduced into the chan world..