Me, I keep it pretty damn real. I keep it so real it's lucid.
I just try to stick to rationals and irrationals, no problems there. Just keep that i outta here and your'e ready to go cruisin da hood.
I am taking the square root of a negative number as we speak
I just knew that the Mathematics people would have a field day with keeping it real.
But I keep it just a little realer.
I chill out, maxin' relaxin' all cool and all shootin' some b'ball outside of the school
I keep it real in moderation.
I always order my steak medium-real.
If a number can't come real,
Then I don't need that stumper
The concept of the variable
Can take it in the dumper
I don't keep it real. I live in a fantasy world where I can fly and anime grows on trees.
When keeping it real goes too far.
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ヽゝO ‐Oν < I'm keeping it real. REAL STUPID. durrRRrrr
⊂| |∀| |つ \______
(;`Д´) Why bother keeping it real? There's fapping to be done!
I slap my bitches when they get out of line.
i use Windows XP
Ah you're living the dream =) One day I hope to live there too
i reply to threads from 14 years ago
I'm surprised how this statement is still currently relevant.
by watching Teddy Rubskin
Hard work and a hearty breakfast.
With the help of jisaku jien
Working 9 to 5..
By visiting your mom.
Lady Dimitrescu; mammoth mommy milkers from the 2.9m tall vampire
She's the Resident Evil of the 8th age (Village).
Emoji ʚ♡⃛ɞ(ू•ᴗ•ू❁)
War Frame Pilot
I prefer to keep things unreal. I don't not like reality at the moment
dimitrescu my beloved milf.....when she yells at men <3
I wasn't all that attracted to Lady D but after seeing her enough she grew on me
I like tall women. And short women, but not midgets. I like most kinds of women. I'm too ugly to be picky
Did they not make the doors taller for her in that mansion or does she grow?
I keep it real by laughing at fags who became butthurt due to a lying trolling YouTuber: - "Jaystation Faking Girlfriend's Death For Views - YouTube"