1 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-08 15:36 ID:tqBmhXkn

1)There is the heated controversy regarding whether Nanking Massacre happened actually or not among historian groups. This incident called "Nanking Massacre" is thought to have occured in December of 1937 during Japan-Sino War. Nanking was the then capital city of China. Nanking was fallen by Japanese troops on Dec.13 of 1937. At that time, Chinese Army could not express any intention to surrender to Japanese Army. Though Chiang Kai-sheki commanding Army of Chinese Nationalist Party ordered Chinese soldiers to strive to defend Nanking from Japanese Army, he secretly escpaed from Nanking by plain on Dec.7, 1 week before the fall of Nanking and he left Chinese Army behind. There was Tang Shengzhi appointed 'the commander of Nanking' by Chiang Kai-sheki, however, he also escpaed from Nanking with leaving Chinese soldeirs behind. When Japanese troops entered Nanking castle, Chinese Army without the commander was fell into confusion. Most of Chinese soldiers abandoned arms, changed into cibvilian's clothes and ran into the safty zone in Nanking.

2)China insists that more than 300,000 people were slaughtered by Japanese Army at the fall of Nanking. Is this the fact or not? When Japanese Army entered Nanking, more than 120 pressmen were embedded with Japanese Army. However, nobody took such a picture as to prove Japanese Army slaughtered 300,000 people. It is certain that China government shows so many pictures of Atrocity and insists on Nanking Massacre. Those pictures that China government shows are true or not? In these 10 years, Japanese histrian groups inspected each picture that China shows as evidence of Nanking Massacre. As a result of their inspection of 30,000 pieces of pictures, it turned out that there is not a picture to be able to prove Japanese Army's Atrocity at all.

3) We should think where the origin of Nanking Massacre is. I think this origin is "The Battle of China". This is so-called War-time propaganda film and was directed by Frank Capra in 1944 during the World War 2. The purpose of this film was to implant anti-Japan feelings into American people. But it is the most serious thing that...even now after the war ended, China has been spreading the strong hatred against Japan to the world by utilizing this "The Battle of China". China's true purpose of this black propaganda is to spread the strong hatred against not only Japan Imperialism but also each Japanese person of all Japanese including from 1 years old baby to over 80 years old person as if China wants to insist that DNA of Japanese race is a born inferiority and evil.
Iris Chnag's "The Rape of Nanking" turned out to be "The Fake of Nanking".

2 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-08 15:43 ID:PklBfB+J

It is not fake.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-08 18:38 ID:EZaAL65C


4 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-08 20:20 ID:Heaven

Listen you retard weeaboo, just because you watched a youtube video and love all things Japanese, doesn't mean the Rape of Nanking did not happen.

Lets look at your arguements:

First you say that the Chinese generals abandoned the army of Nanking. This is true, the Nationalist army of corrupt and full of inept leaders. This is why after the War Mao was able to gain control of the country because the Nationalist did a shitty job defending China while the Mao fought the Japanese. But this is more of an historical fact than anything.

You say there were 120 pressmen embedded in the Japanese army and Japanese historians cannot find conclusive evidence about the massacre. First of all, no reporter in the middle of a war will ever write anything to show that their side is the bad side. They will glorify the troops, only mention their accomplishments and speak nothing but praises. Don't forget about the missionaries who recorded the events. As for those historians, they are only protecting Japan from its possibly greatest shame.

The film "The Battle of China" is not the first mention of the Rape. Remember it happened in 1937 and missionaries were able to smuggle our their journals with detailed accounts of that dreadful event. Harold Timperley, a reporter wrote about the massacre in 1938. John Magee, showed films to the US government so they would do something about it, unforunately they did not.

If you still think it happened...tell answer me this, did the Holocaust happen?

5 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-09 02:58 ID:w1RBekiW

Seriously guys, there's a famous Japanese headline happily proclaiming a contest between two officers (Toshiaki Mukai and Tsuyoshi Noda) to see who could kill more Chinamen with their Type 94 katanas.

Looks like the score's 106-105 so far.

It's difficult for us to imagine the war-time nationalist mentality of the time. Or the ultra nationalistic, racist pride of the war's most ferverent supporters, or the desperate mentality of the soldiers who fought that fierce no holds-barred attrition war. If I were in their shoes I'd probably be bayoneting a few myself, many would.

Check out this classic psychology case:

6 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-09 05:58 ID:wI0cMq9v

You obviously don't a drop of Asian blood in you.
Nor do you have relatives that survived it to tell you about the horrific scenes of bloodshed.
So STFU and stop insulting people that you have no relevance to with your ignorant claims.
Are you going to tell us that the holocaust didn't exist next?

7 Name: too dumb; didn't read : 2007-06-09 06:57 ID:Heaven


I can't decide whether this belongs in /politics/ or /DQN/. Or maybe, ya know, somewhere else that ISN'T HERE.

8 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-09 07:31 ID:Heaven

/politics/, IMO.

9 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-09 13:53 ID:Heaven

tl;dr, probably belongs in /politics/, and FUCKING BORING DEBATE ABOUT SOMETHING NO ONE OF YOU CAN PROVE ANYWAY ON AN INTERNETS FORUM. Capslock for emphasis and cool.

10 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-09 19:45 ID:Heaven

>>9 = newbie

11 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-09 21:24 ID:Heaven

Not at all.

12 Name: moguro fukuzo : 2014-04-04 15:13 ID:Jf6X6GBf

Those who believe Nanking Massacre actually took place must visit this site.
False Accusations of Nanking Massacre

13 Name: Anonymous : 2014-04-04 22:37 ID:Heaven

Did a reverse image search for the first photo and found this journal article:

"To offset rumors at home of civilian atrocities, Tokyo invited Japanese visitors to tour the city in January 1938. The tourists gave sweets to Chinese children and saw nothing of the ongoing rape and carnage. Japanese newsmen took pictures of 'spontaneous' New-Year's celebrations in which gleeful residents also welcomed Japanese soldiers who handed out sweets."

Try harder.

14 Name: Anonymous : 2021-08-30 10:22 ID:UzpMSuDG

Were there USAians invovlved?

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