Also: Huzzah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Try saying "President-Elect Barack Obama" aloud without giggling.
That he did.
i hope he will rape all your asses. >:3
YAY for Obama!
That he did.
He sure did. Most of my family is pretty relieved, but I'm not so sure it's a good thing. Sure Mitt Romney is a political prostitute and Paul Ryan is a goddamn nutbar. But Obama has been just as bad as Bush, if not worse, on security issues. Either one of them would have continued taking us down the road to a virtual police state, so I guess I don't care that much which of them won.
Dicks out for donald
this whole election cycle just feels surreal, like it's a dream or something.
Obama, you're fired!
And now he's getting kicked out of his government housing.
fuck ramsfeld
>this place is dead
So when is Michelle Obama going to be POTUS?
Obama’s VP is now POTUS. Great job.