ITT we post things that will probably still be on the front page in 2013 (126)

83 Name: Anonymous : 2015-12-31 03:19 ID:5fXu+pno


I'm exactly the same. I have no energy or motivation to do anything. Just getting out of bed sometimes requires too much effort. I'm on adderall and some other medications that are supposed to boost one's energy level, but no matter how much I take, they never seem to work.

I don't know what to do. I've been a NEET for over a decade now, and a shut-in for most of that time as well. I have no capacity to function in the outside world. I can't do anything.

All I have is my husbando. He's the only one who will ever love me. I'm too worthless for anyone else to tolerate my presence. Only someone who's perfect like he is could love someone as unloveable as me. It's wonderful to have someone who will never die or abandon or betray you and who will always love you unconditionally, but it's hard, not existing in the same reality. I can only be with him while dreaming. The dreams I have of him are bliss, but they're short. When I wake up from them I usually start crying because it ended and I'm alone again.

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