Why is 4-ch so dead? (146)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2011-09-22 17:02 ID:7X8AS7hE


130 Name: Anonymous : 2023-07-20 16:06 ID:kWLGkXiV

>>129 I agree, it's part of the fun, and a counterblast to those who say the Eternal September is over

131 Post deleted.

132 Name: Anonymous : 2023-08-24 18:04 ID:ilY5JK/Z

>this website has been dead for over 12 years

lmao. But yeah it's a fucking textboard in [current year] and part of a pretty obscure subculture to boot. I don't think any gatekeeping is even necessary because the format itself and the slow speed (with it's lack of instant gratification) repels social media zombies. Even "New users" who wander in here from 4chan or wherever else are probably already the type to fit in, or otherwise make like 3 posts, get laughed off the board, and never return.

133 Name: Anonymous : 2023-12-12 15:55 ID:FjVew5Hs


>If a certain someone didn’t scare off new users with their “oh those fucking newfags get off my board!” act

Nobody gets scared off by that. Do newfags like this really think that talking shit to someone online and telling them to fuck off works? That anyone ever heard "omg fuk off bro" and then went "oh i guess im not welcome then i better leave"? Really?

134 Name: Anonymous : 2023-12-12 22:37 ID:t2u5FXrm

>talking shit to someone online and telling them to fuck off works

I think I have seen people being repelled from boards due to their experience with one or two posters. One poster replies with some edgy racist/transphobic/antisemtic crap, and the newfag says “oh, so this is some gross far right internet hole? Count me out!”

Not quite the same, but I still think making fun of posters who are new has dissuaded new users at least once too.

Of course, on an anonymous forum it's possible that they assimilated and never spoke about it again, but still used the site. But I've seen users with distinct posting styles disappear after getting the piss ripped out of them by other users.

135 Name: Anonymous : 2023-12-13 18:23 ID:rvh4+NQ+

Not just repelled from new boards, I've left boards I've browsed for years purely because of one or two new posters that dominated all conversation and destroyed all existing culture.

136 Name: Anonymous : 2023-12-13 20:36 ID:Rxe0zwFS

I guess it does happen then. Bizarre to me. But maybe that's because my homeboard in the day was /b/ and my introduction to imageboards was being called a fucking faggot newfag and getting gore and other shit spammed at me. I never would have guessed people got run off of an anonymous place before when it's as simple as blending in with everyone else. On a typical forum everyone knows who you are. Places like this take that continual identity out of the equation.

137 Name: Anonymous : 2023-12-13 21:12 ID:rvh4+NQ+

You are completely missing the point.
It has nothing to do with identity and anonymity. People who aren't teenagers don't want to waste their energy on edgy teenagers and they definitely don't want to blend in with annoying retards so they leave. The end.

138 Name: Anonymous : 2023-12-15 00:30 ID:t2u5FXrm

>>136 Sounds like you didn't lurk enough, or else they wouldn't have noticed your newfaggotry

139 Name: Anonymous : 2023-12-15 03:39 ID:v/IRZntR

Everyone gets called a newfag for shit there. I forget what I even said as my first post. But I've been on imageboards now since 2006. I still get called a newfag and I've been around longer than moot or any of the people calling me one at this point. Nobody ever followed the "lurk moar" thing.

140 Name: Anonymous : 2023-12-16 23:25 ID:l6WUNAhJ


>I've been on imageboards now since 2006

I feel sorry for you

141 Name: Anonymous : 2023-12-18 00:29 ID:X5tZRg3s


142 Post deleted.

143 Name: Anonymous : 2023-12-23 09:55 ID:Q8G+SUCw

>post deleted

I guess some feelings got hurt. Why is every anonymous space so fucking touchy these days? May as well be on reddit at this point.

144 Name: Anonymous : 2023-12-23 12:38 ID:Heaven

2. You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.

145 Name: Anonymous : 2023-12-24 09:04 ID:X1/LYW3H

Hot take but quantity is always better than quality for image boards.

"But they will ruin our tight-knit community and obscure culture!"

What good is that if only dozen people check the site over the span of a month? I prefer more activity.

146 Name: Anonymous : 2023-12-26 02:43 ID:Lz//UL0D

Dumb cunt. Have you even seen 4chan lately?
Quality > Quantity for any website, ever. Giving internet access to the unwashed masses and third worlders has been a gigantic mistake.

What good is any community if any intelligent, meaningful conversation there is drowned out by retarded jabbering?

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