Why is 4-ch so dead? (146)

45 Name: Anonymous : 2020-01-09 23:08 ID:IebLO4Z6

Then 4chan just isn't the place for you. But whining and ranting isn't going to fix lack of originality, in fact it has the polar opposite effect. If you want serious discussion, you're going to have to try to stir up some banter and put effort into your thread OPs. Sites like 4-ch and Shitaba really have the same problem, but in a less spammy same-post way. No one ever wants to add to threads, so they either don't post at all or make a fool of themselves (which is why this site's shitpost board is the only consistently active one). There's no use fighting the giant that is fourchan. Honestly most of its posters seem like robots because they see one popular thread, they wait until that thread 404s and then they remake it. 4/jp/ for example is a living example. Look at the entire catalog, and tell me if there's a single thread that isn't a.) a general thread or b.) a touhou template thread you can find ten thousands of duplicates of on warosu

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