Tell everyone about any dreams that you had (or make a dream up) (5)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2014-04-16 04:30 ID:bBaG+C3v

I don't completely recall this dream, but in one part, some people were at a dinner table, the hair on their heads looked like broccoli, and they were eating hair. The hair was black.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2014-04-16 21:47 ID:B5HN0bR9

I have a really weird problem where I will dream I went to work and worked then came home and went to sleep and then as soon as my dream-head hits the pillow I wake up tired as fuck, it's daytime, and I still have to go to work. Fuck everything forever.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2014-04-16 21:55 ID:IgR2h3/E

I once had a dream where I was a disembodied floating entity in a bedroom, looking at a man in the bed who was sleeping with his face towards the wall. As I watched, the man began to wake, and when I saw his face, I could see that he had the head of an elephant, except instead of a trunk and tusks he had a giant penis and testicles growing from his face. As he continued to awaken, the testicles began to swell, which he did not notice at first. By the time he did notice, he was sitting at the edge of the bed, and his reaction was to leap up and panic. The testicles still continued to swell, and eventually the man collapsed under their weight, at which point I woke up.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2021-12-23 06:56 ID:35YFCqXE

Depends. Half the time my dreams are influenced by what I do. The other half is random.
If I work almost every day all day then I may end up dreaming about working.
If I play a game way too much I may end up dreaming about playing the game or being in the game.

With my random dreams, well it is self explanatory. However most of my random dreams I usually forget unless something happens in them to make me remember.
One of them I shot someone in the head and the blood spattered on my face and the wall.
The girl who was near started screaming and crying. I remember what happens and what I was thinking for that dream since it is longer, but the one thing that sticks out is the girl crying and screaming about my action.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2021-12-23 09:05 ID:Heaven

I dreamed of a mmd dance with a girl wearing a hat as tall as a skyscraper. Dancing near said skyscraper. I was like "wow, there is a lot of detail on that hat, this is some high quality 3d modelling". After that some unpleasant shit in that skyscraper, which I already forgot by now.

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