unpopular opinion (26)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2016-10-14 21:34 ID:r5mFdYoE

pineapple on pizza isnt GOOD but it isnt that bad either

2 Name: Anonymous : 2016-10-14 23:01 ID:eFs0KA3o

It's a crime against good taste that should be punished with a trip to the gallows.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2016-10-15 11:05 ID:oQMYNICF

Pineapple on pizza is great and people who get upset over it are whiny unadventurous fucks who are probably scared of anything beyond margarita or pepperoni.

4 Post deleted.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2016-10-16 01:25 ID:QD0OKKOh

Emo music is objectively better than current pop music

6 Name: Anonymous : 2016-10-20 18:20 ID:K7VqIhWG

That's hardly an unpopular opinion.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2016-10-24 22:34 ID:j7oFbKWg

Pineapple paired with black olives is the best pizza topping combo and anyone who says otherwise are faggots

8 Name: Anonymous : 2016-10-25 00:52 ID:yBChmpu4

Do anchovies warrant the firing squad, then?

9 Name: Anonymous : 2016-10-25 17:08 ID:GYju/PvB

canadian bacon is the best topping imo

10 Name: Anonymous : 2016-11-04 18:32 ID:AUN7WG7t

Children can consent to sexual activities, pedophilia is only "immoral" if you're actually holding down the kid and raping them with force.

11 Name: Anonymous : 2016-12-10 08:08 ID:eFs0KA3o

on the contrary, people who enjoy anchovies on pizza should be exalted.

12 Name: Anonymous : 2016-12-10 17:11 ID:V1oddkob

Pizza is best when plain and nothing added except salt and garlic.

13 Name: Anonymous : 2016-12-12 20:59 ID:5n8eCzgo

>>12 Not even cheese??? WTF!

14 Post deleted.

15 Name: Anonymous : 2021-03-22 01:41 ID:H1QPd01y

What is cheese? - East Asia

16 Name: Anonymous : 2021-03-22 12:35 ID:1EXUkBZr

Y'all should try Meatless Mondays.

17 Name: Anonymous : 2021-03-22 13:00 ID:2uOXvIgH

I read that as Meatless Monkeys for a moment

18 Name: Anonymous : 2021-03-22 17:32 ID:C9tUGPfs

Meatless Monkeys sounds like a good band name

19 Name: Anonymous : 2021-03-25 05:10 ID:H1QPd01y

Hey! Hey! The Monkees would sue.

20 Name: Anonymous : 2021-03-29 12:38 ID:Q+gIOboU

21 Name: Anonymous : 2021-03-29 12:46 ID:Heaven

It's not all bad. It made the British fuck up so hard that they lose their superpower status.

22 Name: Anonymous : 2021-03-29 21:42 ID:Q+gIOboU

That was the Jap army on bicycles into Singapore.

23 Name: Anonymous : 2021-04-01 04:14 ID:H8UJep9i


There is a thing called informed consent anon.

24 Name: Anonymous : 2021-04-02 09:32 ID:Q+gIOboU

25 Name: Anonymous : 2021-04-02 10:29 ID:FoUkyj1O

Despite the negative press covfefe

26 Name: Anonymous : 2021-04-02 17:24 ID:A2NXR2La

God I used to know a guy that would argue this, and it was driving me crazy, but halfway through the conversation I realized that he had been molested as a child and was only rationalizing his "right to consent" as a self defense mechanism to avoid the realization that some adult manipulated and fucked him up. Weird fucking conversation man. Walked away feeling more fucked up than Freud on a Friday night coke and therapy session.

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