Taxi Driving Career (6)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2017-05-17 03:47 ID:cb2H6Kxd

School is too hard!
If I get the necessary driving license, could I drop out and secure a wage good enough to keep me in some rented apartment? I'm pretty good at managing money. I can't be a NEET, one of my relatives is already doing that.
Seems like a pretty comfy lifestyle.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2017-05-17 18:05 ID:dtxsfO57

Taxi driving is hell.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2017-05-22 18:58 ID:o4v7614X

If you like cocaine that much, so go ahead tho

4 Name: Anonymous : 2017-05-23 22:41 ID:tG/HqH5E

Taxi driving is in a weird spot right now. Lyft and Uber sell rides at a loss to undercut the traditional market (while paying their drivers less than minimum wage after accounting for vehicle maintenance) in medium sized markets, while larger markets charge a premium for taxi medallions (in New York a medallion costs upwards of $250k). If you really want to make driving a career you're better off getting a CDL to drive big rigs. A lot of those guys are scared that autonomous vehicles will take all the jobs but society really won't be ready for that throughout the next few decades.

Alternatively, if you hate school you might want to look into a vocational education in a trade like welding or concrete finishing. The apprenticeship is for pay, the benefits are great, and the salary traditionally beats median household income.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2017-05-31 00:38 ID:T52yxH6W

You do realize that self-driving cars are expected to deprecate human drivers in the future. Enjoy your NEET life because that's all you will get when that happens.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2017-06-01 05:39 ID:Heaven

better a NEET than a freeter lol

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