I'm new. Was this place ever alive? (45)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2018-03-26 00:34 ID:kfqKvQ52

I just can't imagine such a dead site having an active userbase.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2018-03-26 09:53 ID:HxCroN5/

Just check the all threads lists and see for yourself.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2018-03-26 14:48 ID:790/I7E8

If you sign up,
You can earn much money and travel for free.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2018-03-27 15:54 ID:eQ+h/Yjh

We are zombies lol

5 Name: Anonymous : 2018-03-29 23:10 ID:Z7q1Fu5E

I am alive. I like to check this place once a week.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2018-03-31 13:56 ID:k95LFtdf

This place has become much like a nursing home. Nothing apart from musings about the old days, interspersed with random schizophrenic babblings. Not to mention the smell...

7 Name: Anonymous : 2018-04-02 01:40 ID:yR/0J0pt

the smell is cum.

8 Name: Anonymous : 2018-04-04 20:47 ID:VkfnreKB

I've been browsing lesser known imageboards today, and I just stumbled on here. It's sad seeing so many ghost towns that people still haunt, everyone has been divided and spread out to every corner of the net and I feel we all just want to live the good old days again. It's truly depressing

9 Name: Anonymous : 2018-04-05 01:13 ID:u1HT6Wgi

I know what you mean. At this point it would be essentially impossible to reunify any major figure of "oldfags" without inevitable attracting massive swarms of newfags and other categories of retards.
It's tragic, the internet is truly lost. Guess we just wait for the next frontier to present itself and for us to use it while it lasts.

10 Name: Anonymous : 2018-04-05 06:40 ID:k95LFtdf

It's not only the noise that's increased, for that was always there (to a much lesser extent) but the attitude toward it has changed significantly. Most simply can't be bothered anymore to fight it, including me.

11 Name: Anonymous : 2018-04-08 20:20 ID:WrivKwUr

Anyone here from world4ch back when that was a thing? Or Tablecat's BBS, or the post office place that I forgot the name of.

Lots of online communities I used to be a part of are dead or dying. I guess our time is over, huh? We're getting older and Gen Z has newer shit.

12 Name: Anonymous : 2018-04-09 08:50 ID:gZiY7h+3

Nobody is "from" world4ch, not even it's most avid posters.

13 Name: Anonymous : 2018-04-09 19:10 ID:Heaven

it is most avid posters

14 Name: Anonymous : 2018-04-10 09:46 ID:3uejckGz

Most of the boards here were always ghost towns, but over the decade the amount of postings on dead boards accumulated to make it seem as if it were ever active outside of DQN

15 Name: Anonymous : 2018-04-10 15:49 ID:dZ3S1185

I think I am too dumb to understand DQN

16 Name: Anonymous : 2018-04-10 23:51 ID:lbRZsJOW

DQN = dokyun = idiot

DQN is just silliness with a few in-jokes/memes.

It is a relic of the old internet.

4-ch is like a 100 year old in a nursing home. People are surprise they’re still alive but even though they’re technically alive they aren’t doing much and they’re mainly reminiscing about the past and complaining about how awful the new world is.

17 Name: Anonymous : 2018-04-11 05:58 ID:3uejckGz

You'd have to lurk on Japanese boards to get it.

18 Name: Anonymous : 2018-04-11 06:23 ID:dZ3S1185

ok cool and whats with the dates?

19 Name: Anonymous : 2018-04-11 06:30 ID:3uejckGz

The board goes after the eternal september calendar.

20 Name: Anonymous : 2018-04-11 07:36 ID:gZiY7h+3

Almost 12 years later I'm still not sure I understand DQN.

21 Name: Anonymous : 2018-04-13 13:51 ID:Z7q1Fu5E

Don't think, feel and you'll be tanasinn.

22 Name: Anonymous : 2018-04-13 17:30 ID:gZiY7h+3

The sad thing is that I'm becoming increasingly convinced DQN is the only place from the aging paradigm still worth visiting. The only place that has remained perfectly self-sufficient burning its own highly specialized waste to survive, inscrutable. Everywhere else the air is thick with alienation. No one can post anything without subjecting themselves to a form of torture. The chaos around us, and all the while our world grows smaller and smaller. Maybe not sad, but something hard to put one's finger on. Something like Weltschmerz. The tanasinn chamber calls.

23 Name: Anonymous : 2018-04-13 19:53 ID:pnPczhY+

Such is life when you get older.

The question is: how will you deal with it? Will you accept your community getting smaller and more out of touch? Or will you try to move on and making something similar but more relevant? I feel like there's an opportunity here somewhere for textboard culture to reinvent itself, possibly, but not if things stagnate the way they have for a number of years.

24 Name: Anonymous : 2018-04-14 07:34 ID:gZiY7h+3

Me personally? I've given it some thought and even briefly tried out Kareha and old mewBBS TYPE stuff for example but I get discouraged and end up doing nothing. It's never going to be as good as [insert site] anyway, it's a personal liability, and pretty much all the people that I would want to interact with are already gone. I may still build one for personal use but then it would basically be the same as sageru. I've tried to think of how to be unique but I'm kind of drawing a blank for no lack of creative energy. Something maybe like dangeru.us? I thought it was kind of neat.

I don't believe as some do that it as a medium has outlived its usefulness. There is no such thing as a "legacy user." No anonymous is obsolete. For all the posturing about who was somewhere first, that's the attitude I've seen lately, at least the last several years. I do think text boards will survive, and may even be due for a resurgence. Or I could be hallucinating all of this.

25 Name: Anonymous : 2018-04-14 12:47 ID:apD5NEJm

we need to get people to use image/textboards again

26 Name: Anonymous : 2018-04-14 12:50 ID:apD5NEJm

a lot of people seem to have negative views on anonymous image/textboards because of some of 4chan /b/'s more insane and fucked up posts

there is a guide to anon boards on tanasinn.info that is quite good

27 Name: Anonymous : 2018-04-16 00:42 ID:hzzdGnq6


>Me personally? I've given it some thought and even briefly tried out Kareha and old mewBBS TYPE stuff for example but I get discouraged and end up doing nothing. It's never going to be as good as [insert site] anyway, it's a personal liability, and pretty much all the people that I would want to interact with are already gone. I may still build one for personal use but then it would basically be the same as sageru. I've tried to think of how to be unique but I'm kind of drawing a blank for no lack of creative energy. Something maybe like dangeru.us? I thought it was kind of neat.

We are very much alike and think similar things. I may not know you but in this time dear internet stranger, you are not alone. I have thought the things you think and found myself in a similar bind from time to time.

28 Name: Anonymous : 2018-04-16 22:48 ID:b3vS3ICt

I do web development. Maybe I could write more modern text board software that would have the simplicity and anonymity of text boards, but combined with the improved UX and mobile-friendliness of modern tech stacks.

I don't think the concept of text boards is outdated, but the layout certainly is. Backend is bad too. We need modern, responsive design.

Did you ever use YikYak before it closed down? I think it had a good model for anonymity and user experience. It went to shit when they added registration, but before that, it was cool. If you never used YikYak, it was an anonymous chat app but it was location-based, so you'd only see posts by people who lived near you. It was really cool, but now it's gone.

But even without the local-only aspect, it got the GUI down right. It was easier to use and looked nicer than old-school text boards.

29 Name: Anonymous : 2018-04-17 05:39 ID:rygOdfbD

But do you really need new software just for a new layout?

The design is as responsive as is needed. You hit post, your post appears, what else do you want? There's maybe like 3/4 features done in about 12 lines of js that this might need.

Backend reworked, maybe. Updated to not be sql/static html generated every time would be good.

GUI can be updated with a bit of CSS and would blow the pants off of every site out there.

Modern "responsive" design is missing the point, because might as well use something like Disquis, and that is just a pile of garbage.

30 Name: Anonymous : 2018-04-17 06:57 ID:Vj5WQ/l7

I like the layout and design of textboards and imageboards

31 Name: Anonymous : 2018-04-17 14:08 ID:lbRZsJOW

That’s not what responsive design means.

32 Name: Anonymous : 2018-04-17 17:33 ID:kWJk0VFf


>I do web development. Maybe I could write more modern text board software that would have the simplicity and anonymity of text boards, but combined with the improved UX and mobile-friendliness of modern tech stacks.

Nobody has ever thought of doing this before.

You claim to be a developer but I find this to be a very curious post. The format of this site is nice in a retro sort of way but clearly it is not what keeps people coming back here. The community and relative activity (compared to someplace like world2chan at time of writing) is what makes this place go. It could be said that a liberal interpretation of the term ``textboards'' are still viable, but for that to be a sound conclusion you would end up stretching textboards to be any sort of forum that doesn't include embedded media.

Considering the proposition of adding value, what could your new software provide that something like reddit or a classic invisionfree-style board don't?

33 Name: Anonymous : 2018-04-20 20:25 ID:Heaven


>The format of this site is nice

you and I have different definitions of ``nice''

34 Name: Anonymous : 2018-04-23 20:44 ID:OlkZvjPG

the past is of no importance to us. even if i were to remember legendary threads on world4ch, i would keep them a secret to myself. i doubt anyone would believe me anyways.

35 Name: Anonymous : 2018-04-24 19:01 ID:HccVct6t

mega-meme thread +100% time to get the party ON up in here yo!!

36 Name: Anonymous : 2018-04-24 21:22 ID:xEV2tnbg

There's an archive with all world4ch threads on Tinychan.

37 Name: Anonymous : 2018-04-24 22:36 ID:vRylnjOt


38 Name: Anonymous : 2018-04-25 03:37 ID:PPiR2YmC

We should create a cool new hip text bulitin bored based on teh latest BBS technologies. I saw this one thing on teh TELNETS IRC USEZNETS and it waz supp0r c0ol. We shohsh make it like that . I'll start on teh logo

39 Name: Anonymous : 2018-04-25 07:24 ID:d4ycL21y

I like it but we'll need to see your world wide web resume. If there's anything on it I don't like it's never going to work out. You'll get credit for the logo on a buried page and afterward I'll ignore any emails.

40 Name: Anonymous : 2018-04-26 14:40 ID:Heaven

I believe this place is pretty alive considering it's a fucking textboard in the age of facebook and shit.

41 Name: Anonymous : 2018-04-27 20:39 ID:VkfnreKB


>i would keep them a secret to myself.

even from the humble lurker? The secrecy, although needed, is what makes this all so sad to me

42 Name: Anonymous : 2018-04-28 05:03 ID:gWct1cdt

there's nothing secret about a public website

this ain't the dark web

43 Name: Anonymous : 2018-05-10 07:28 ID:IjJTBmj/

Are there any else textboards that still have lurkers?

44 Name: Anonymous : 2018-05-29 23:55 ID:4z/xTJIb

Use gopher.

45 Name: Anonymous : 2018-05-31 06:24 ID:CFZll84E

Enjoy your no users.

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