Modern Humor? (27)

7 Name: Anonymous : 2018-10-17 09:00 ID:klCQGJ+B

I was actually just having this conversation the other day, we agreed that modern humor is very shallow, single-serving, and that it's hallmark is almost always some snide insult. That people seemingly only find things funny when it's belittling someone else. It's devolved into nothing more than a Nelson Muntz point-and-laugh simplicity. In other words, the lowest common denominator has gotten even lower. Spontaneous wit has been replaced by boilerplate appeals to this or that demographic.

One place that reflects that very well is late nite television. It's now but unwatchable other than maybe Conan O' Brien, once the young interloper with his lolsorandom style, but now he seems absolutely mature in comparison to the rest. His show is being cut down from an hour to thirty minutes beginning next year. With him out of the picture, probably not so far away, it will be nothing but a nonstop signaling extravaganza with the trite modern mirthmongers.

Reading websites, you mentioned reddit for example, there seems to be only two variants of humor. The former one, and this weird smug 'referencing' if you know what I mean... a variant of virtue signaling only the effort is to appear cultured. Culture signaling. If you have nothing to prove, you won't fit in with people like this, because it's all about self-aggrandizement.

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