There should be an overboard where posts from all other boards is put. And why doesn't AA bar have RSS?
I don't know if such a thing would be possible, considering the software this place runs on. Each board is more or less an independent installation of Kareha, and each thread is stored as raw html.
It would be great to see this happen though, but it would be a big project.
Also, this thread probably belongs on the Requests board, so it would be nice to see a mod move it there.
What for?
Can't you just scroll down pages to see new posts and/or use the thread links under the board look section?
>>5 To not have to look at boards like /romance/ everyday on the off-chance someone posted there I guess
A visual indication of crossboard traffic could help with the perception that this is a dead site, and it's a useful way for people who actually enjoy using more than one board to see where discussion is happening.
Just as a side note, do you really not check the other boards?
>and it's a useful way for people who actually enjoy using more than one board to see where discussion is happening.
The thing is, it takes just a few seconds to click on a board and scroll down to see any and all new posts so I personally feel that that function is not really necessary.
>Just as a side note, do you really not check the other boards?
Huh? Where did you get that from my posts?
Every day when I check this site I visit general, internet addicts, games, net culture and if I feel like it even other boards.
FUCK this stupid overboard idea. We need a 4-ch desktop client. Someone make this happen. If you won't I will.
Make a mobile app with notifications while your at it for the slaves.
Why would you want an overboard?
overboards are "good" because they make threads more active, but in reality they are bad because they encourage people to talk about subjects that dont interest them and fill up the threads with ignorance.
Where does the overboard concept even come from?