Does anyone here know anything about Amezou? I can sorta understand Ayashii because I can see logs and screenshots of it, but there seems to be nothing out there about how Amezou worked besides that it was anonymous and that it used Floating-type threads.
How much did Amezou innovate from Ayashii? How much did 2ch innovate from Amezou? How? Why cant I find even one screenshot of it anywhere?
Maybe it was just a misspelling of Ayashii?
Misspelling "あやしい" as "あめぞう" would be like, well, misspelling "Ayashii" as "Amezou". There are many websites attesting to its independent existence.
Some claim that 2channel actually used a modification of the Amezou board software, but I'm skeptical (especially since Hiroyuki apparently spammed Amezou en masse to promote 2ch, contributing to its decline.)
I can't really find any substantive information on it either, though.
How accurate is this guy's description of Amezou? If its right, Amezou is exactly the same as 2ch, just without the rediculous amount of boards and without ads.
To see what boards there were, use this link:
>>4 Well If i remember correctly Amezou created threads to organize discussions. 2ch just improved it and made it more mainstream
Does anyone here know anything about 4chan? I can sorta understand wakachan because I can see logs and screenshots of it, but there seems to be nothing out there about how 4chan worked except that whenever it goes down or the rules change, people come from there and shit all over 4-ch.
>Does anyone here know anything about 4chan?
What do you mean?
Are you asking about something specific?
Changes in how 4chan worked off the top of my head are:
>being banned meant you couldn't even lurk, loading the site would give you a ban page
God I hated this part so fucking badly. I remember when I was in college briefly in 2010 and someone got our building banned, and no one could browse. It was basically a death sentence.
Also there was something with nokosage. I THINK that if you used nokosage, your sage would not appear but it's been so long that I can't remember.
>if you used nokosage, your sage would not appear but it's been so long that I can't remember.
Yes, that's how it worked.
It basically works like this website, replying to a thread bumps it to page 1, the bump limit is 500 though. Different culture, though. Also, 4chan is pretty shit nowadays, just a warning.
> 4chan is pretty shit nowadays
It always kind of was, wasn't it? I mean, "worse" definitely applies I suppose.
It's garbage that gets worse with each and every passing year.
Take a look at 4chan a decade ago, and look at it today. It was definitely not as bad as it is right now, and it will only get even.
Oppss.. I thought this was about Amazo the Android by Professor Ivo.
Holy shit that is awesome thanks for posting this anon.
maybe one day 4chan will be deleted
No. 4chan has always been bad because people actually like being shitposters on 4chan. The culture of shit posting had always been in 4chan, it always drowned out more meaningful posts because it's so easy to do.