The old internet (186)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2020-09-12 11:37 ID:T78JPCAK

Do you miss the internet of the 90s and the 2000s?

175 Name: Anonymous : 2022-07-10 14:40 ID:Heaven

I'm a 1998 baby and lucked out in that my mom loved reading atheist forums on craigslist in like 2002 and was given a lot of autonomy for a toddler, so I had lots of early access to internet content. It ``helped'' that my shitty home situation got me a laptop in the third grade because I was moving so much. The unfortunate result of all this is a young and far too early introduction to imageboards. Now I'm here with you geriatrics, all because I started visiting this site that I viewed as a cultural continuation of /jp/ c.2010
I hate being a loser

176 Name: Anonymous : 2022-12-13 02:32 ID:u15tywJl

The old internet was never that good. Stop looking at stuff through rose tinted glasses. You want to go back to the era of dial up where it took a week to download an image? Fuck that shit. What killed the old internet was that everybody began using it and using it all the god damn time. The average ugg boot wearing normie succubus spends most of her day browsing on her smartphone, browsing useless shit, texting her whore friends, or looking at truce crime videos so she knows which serial killer she wants to masturbate to next. And when ordinary society begins using the internet like a crack cocaine addict you need to dumb shit down to make it accessible and convenient, you’ve got to centralize and organize it, you’ve got to give it a slick presentation and let it feed their narcissism by allowing them to create stupid online profiles where they can showcase the mendacity of their preened and fake lives (or whatever passes as “life” these days). The result is a mass of brainwashed zombies, nothing more than organic bots that populate the entire internet spewing their hatred and whiny bitchiness.

177 Name: Anonymous : 2022-12-13 04:33 ID:Heaven


>The old internet was never that good.

And then you proceed to explain why old internet was good and modern internet is bad?

178 Name: Anonymous : 2022-12-13 19:35 ID:0kkj3N9B

Shame is such a utilized tool in human society. Imo the internet facilitates our worst behavior, no doubt shaming will be with us forever. A tolerant society is impossible.

179 Name: Anonymous : 2022-12-13 22:53 ID:KpPf92Tf

>>57 Possibly the best troll in history right here.

180 Name: Anonymous : 2022-12-13 22:58 ID:KpPf92Tf

>>75 I lurked 4chan for about 3-4 years before actually making a post in like 2012 dude. Coincidentally one of my first posts was a comment in the thread Adam Lanza posted on /b/ before he went Gamer Mode. They got me in the screenshot, too.

181 Name: Anonymous : 2022-12-14 10:54 ID:Heaven

The only people nostalgic for those days are people who never lived through them.

182 Name: Anonymous : 2022-12-14 11:28 ID:Heaven

The only people claiming this are people who never lived through them.

183 Name: Anonymous : 2022-12-15 15:42 ID:/3QEVza3

The old internet was shit, it was just less shit. back then the internet was like 60% good 40% trash while today its like 90% trash. its like a sewer, as long as there is balance between shit and water everything flows smoothly, but today there are so many normies and mindless zombies using crapping into the system we are reaching a critical mass of shit. still id rather not go back to the days of dial up internet.

184 Name: Anonymous : 2022-12-19 14:51 ID:brjQnVHw

the true wise person of channel4

185 Name: Anonymous : 2022-12-20 05:18 ID:T3wsxQk6

Define good.

Majority of the old internet was boring, you had to find things like flash websites, photoshop image forums and especially imageboards via word of word of mouth or by getting lucky with google searches.

186 Name: Anonymous : 2022-12-20 11:26 ID:Heaven

That's a part of what made it good. Only people who were interested would find your nichè, it keeps the "followers" away. Nowadays a hobby can be changed overnight simply by just some popular social media person on the internet getting into it and hundreds of thousands of people flocking to the hobby at the same time completely clueless of culture and permanently changing the hobby.
It was a natural form of gatekeeping that everything was hard to find.

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