ITT Cunt (19)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2020-12-04 17:51 ID:dHM+3Ad/

The rules:
If you post in this thread you're a cunt.
No dicks or assholes, only cunts.
No twats or pussies, only cunts.
If a cunt gets fucked then the thread starts over.
Wash your cunt (but don't douche).

2 Name: Anonymous : 2020-12-04 18:28 ID:fMgCGGe4


3 Name: Anonymous : 2020-12-04 20:56 ID:SK4SbayH

Delete this, I am not a cunt. I am a dick (not an asshole though)

4 Name: Anonymous : 2020-12-04 22:25 ID:afloL0PT

haha fuck you, imma dick, BITCH

5 Name: Anonymous : 2020-12-14 05:34 ID:udDRSOB5

                 __,,,,、 .,、
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             /'",i" ゙;、 l'ii,''く     .ヽ
         / ...│  ゙l,  l゙゙t, ''ii_    :.!
        : /.._ /    ヽ \\.`゙~''''''"./
        .|-゙ノ/   : ゝ .、 ` .`''←┬゛
          l゙ /.r   ゛ .゙ヒ, .ヽ,   ゙̄|
       . | ./ l      ”'、 .゙ゝ........ん
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      .ll゙, ./    !            ,!
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      :! |    , l.     | .|  :,
    : v'" .!    |'i .ヽ,    ./ :!  .ヽ
 _, _/  /     .l  ゛ ._/ :l゙    .`゙"

6 Name: Anonymous : 2020-12-14 05:35 ID:udDRSOB5

                 __,,,,、 .,、
            /'゙´,_/'″  . `\
          : ./   i./ ,,..、    ヽ
         . /    /. l, ,!     `,
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         / ...│  ゙l,  l゙゙t, ''ii_    :.!
        : /.._ /    ヽ \\.`゙~''''''"./
        .|-゙ノ/   : ゝ .、 ` .`''←┬゛
          l゙ /.r   ゛ .゙ヒ, .ヽ,   ゙̄|
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       l  /     ヽ .`' `、、  .,i゛
       .l|  !    ''''v,    ゙''ー .l、
       |l゙ .il、  .l  .ヽ  .¬---イ
      .ll゙, ./    !            ,!
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      l.",!    .リ         |
      l":|    .〜'''      ,. │
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      :! .l.    }    ,i'./    |
      :! .|    :|    . /     .|
      :! |    ;!   "      .|
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      :! |    , l.     | .|  :,
    : v'" .!    |'i .ヽ,    ./ :!  .ヽ
 _, _/  /     .l  ゛ ._/ :l゙    .`゙"

7 Name: Anonymous : 2020-12-14 16:40 ID:dHM+3Ad/

  (  。_。) That's a penis!
_(_つ / ̄ ̄/­_

8 Name: Anonymous : 2021-06-01 08:08 ID:xSAnZZz0

I don’t get it

9 Name: Anonymous : 2025-03-19 22:35 ID:wwF599Ni

In some parts of the British Commonwealth, “cunt” is a neutral term meaning “person”.

10 Name: Viruses Do Not Exist : 2025-03-20 04:47 ID:q8gSOu1u

"faggot" is a common pronoun of globohomo shills

11 Name: Anonymous : 2025-03-20 13:18 ID:Heaven

>>10 look up what "pronoun" means, stupid boy

12 Name: Viruses Do Not Exist : 2025-03-20 14:52 ID:hPaR1U/l

no, you look up what faggot means, stupid globohomo shill

13 Name: Anonymous : 2025-03-21 10:18 ID:wwF599Ni

In some parts of the British Commonwealth, “faggot” is a neutral term meaning “meatball”.

14 Name: Anonymous : 2025-03-21 12:49 ID:Heaven

>>12 lmaooooo keep posting dumbass

15 Name: Viruses Do Not Exist : 2025-03-22 06:49 ID:a3qoMuLK

shills keep seething and lmaoing as usual

16 Name: Anonymous : 2025-03-22 11:54 ID:Heaven

>>15 Lmaoing at you is universal, everyone can agree on how pathetic your life is! Please reply to my post.

17 Name: Anonymous : 2025-03-23 12:09 ID:Heaven


18 Name: Anonymous : 2025-03-25 10:00 ID:Heaven

>>17 OP said no assholes ITT

19 Name: Anonymous : 2025-03-27 13:00 ID:wwF599Ni

                 __,,,,、 .,、
            /'゙´,_/'″  . `\
          : ./   i./ ,,..、    ヽ
         . /    /. l, ,!     `,
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           (´゛ ,/ llヽ            |
            ヽ -./ ., lliヽ       .|
             /'",i" ゙;、 l'ii,''く     .ヽ
         / ...│  ゙l,  l゙゙t, ''ii_    :.!
        : /.._ /    ヽ \\.`゙~''''''"./
        .|-゙ノ/   : ゝ .、 ` .`''←┬゛  The cunt got fucked.
          l゙ /.r   ゛ .゙ヒ, .ヽ,   ゙̄|    It's time to start again.
       . | ./ l      ”'、 .゙ゝ........ん
       l  /     ヽ .`' `、、  .,i゛
       .l|  !    ''''v,    ゙''ー .l、
       |l゙ .il、  .l  .ヽ  .¬---イ
      .ll゙, ./    !            ,!   
      .!!...!!   ,,゙''''ー       .|   
      l.",!    .リ         |
      l":|    .〜'''      ,. │
      l; :!    .|'"    ...ノ,゙./ │
      l: l「    !    . ゙゙̄ /  !
      .| .|    !     ,i│  |
      :! .l.    }    ,i'./    |
      :! .|    :|    . /     .|
      :! |    ;!   "      .|
      :! !    │        │
      :!:|               ,! i ,!
      :! ,    .l,      / .l゙ !
      :! |    , l.     | .|  :,
    : v'" .!    |'i .ヽ,    ./ :!  .ヽ
 _, _/  /     .l  ゛ ._/ :l゙    .`゙"
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