Get some new users on here. Liven the place up. This isn't a joke.
Don't hesitate to help spread the word if you agree too.
Dear admin ban this person.
So where are the yonchanners and ledditors? The other one doesn't count cos they got booted off the interwebs.
I honestly hope they don't come they will just destroy the site more than these outsider trolls already are trying to and it may be a lot more difficult for the admin to handle if the site has a mass influx that doesn't respect the rules or culture.
Most people on 4chan think text discussion is lame. Even if someone started spamming links to this site there, this type of forum is very out of the times.
Most people on 4chan won't waste more than a second on places that receive less than 5 replies a day. Except maybe wojak spammers, their recent raid on a certain old imageboard cemented them as internet ISIS.
Good point that is one great thing about textboards no wojak bullshit.
well, it would be good if the users of these wasnt cancer.
I am of the opinion that wojak is rather decent and is a great source of cool OC. Shame about all the autistic teens who overuse him though.
Nothing good has ever come out of the meme formerly known as feelsguy. I hated his /soc/ past and I hate his nu-rageface present.
I like this style of feels guy memes.
it would be nice if some other anon advertised the site out there, maybe from the corners of the internet.
Need to appeal to the twitter crowd.
This would be bad?, twitter userbase is fucking shit. But at least would resolve the lack of users here.
Fwiw almost all oldfags left for twitter in the early 2010s.
Maybe we should buy some self-serve ads on 4chan?
Would be better for sure, but i doubt they will let us advertise a TEXTBOARD, with all the chaos and shit.
How about you all fuck off and STFU we don't need any newfags here.
Too much cancer.
Everyone fucked off and it's mostly just Q boomers now.
I'm not saying where they moved because I want that shit to die.
Lol. To what subreddits?
Would you let Ted Cruz watch you shit while he pretends that he is totally not paying attention and is just at the urinal, but he is fiddling with himself and repeatedly jamming a low-voltage stun gun into his asshole?
i agree. check out tinychan, that place is full of retarded pol refugees.
How the fuck else are the newfaggots from reddit and discord gonna improve their culture by learning from us if they don't have any examples? Fucking divine intervention?!?
You're not wrong, but mass importing them is just going to overrun this place. Better to let them come slowly and on their own.
How about they don't come at all most of them will just ruin the site and its already going to shit anyway. No zoomers allowed unless they actually take the time to lurk and learn about old internet culture that few small minority is a exception.
What about the pepe meme as shift jis or ascii art?
They should find this place naturally. Find it themselves. There's no joy in finding a place when it's thrust to you. Nothing good comes from giving things for free.
Just where do you think you are?
lmao the guy actually went to complain about zoomers on tohnochan
>>46 ?
Why would you do that ?!?
What's wrong with heyuri?
Wizchan is depressing.
talk about being so consumed by your own Enmity it become so embarassing to pull the plug on yourself