There can never be a return to the "good old days". (39)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2021-03-11 13:00 ID:G+xMOgm7

The humor of communities, the habits and attitudes of people, the creations of the past were the byproduct of their surrounding social and cultural environments, their availabilities and unavailabilities, their freedoms and their restrictions. Whether a reference to an occurance or a shared injoke between specific individual persons, these are things which could only have happened then and there. Nostalgia is the melancholic sentiment towards a presence no longer there.

Current attempted "revivals" are nothing short of simulations, imitations. The people doing them are old people incapable of/refusing to adapt to the present as well as new people disappointed by their contemporary surrounding environment. They seek solace within a romanticized ideal taking the shape of a past, a modern creation crafted from selected elements of the past. An animated corpse threaded out of deceased flesh but devoid of the spirit of its individual elements. Decontextualized formalized surface level aesthetic, a creation that exists as a reflection of a community rejecting the present and having no hopes for the future, itself the byproduct of an environment incapable of producing something to make these individuals feel genki again.

It doesn't matter how many desus you add to your post while complaining about zoomers and wojaks, you will never be the genuine article ever or again. The genuine article can only be at home in its genuine natural habitat.

Do you understand?

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