What even does "personality" mean? (9)

5 Name: Anonymous : 2021-04-03 10:43 ID:lGkIBCGH


>be nihilistic and say that culture does't matter

This seems to be a left-wing idea I think, for leftists don't care about preserving culture, especially if the culture in question is white culture. Lefties don't seem to care about whites being replaced (by non-whites) in white countries or America. I think that culture should be preserved and British people for example have the right to preserve their own culture and exist as a race.

Tearing down statues is nothing new, and in America it is dumb that it happens. Some might see lefties destroying statues that are related to the old culture of whiteness in the USA as removing "oppression". However, this argument is retard, for no one really cares that much about statues or thinks that way in regards to them. Destruction of statues in 21st century USA is dumb though, for it is needless destruction of history, information, and culture. It is also childish to do that because it comes from the whole cancel culture nonsense. Whatever happened to respecting the man but not some of his ideas? Now it is just "if I don't like one specific thing this person did/thought then he should burn in hell for all of eternity."

There was an episode of "The West Wing" which I liked about this idea of respect or recognition of a person even though you disagree with him in one or more areas. I think the episode was related to Hawaii. So yeah destruction of statues is dumb because it is vandalism and other reasons. What replaces the destroyed statues? Nothing but the modern day corporate culture of McDonalds and globalism.

Personality is memetics and genetics.

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