trying to program but it is boring (20)

17 Name: Anonymous : 2022-01-18 11:32 ID:Heaven

Honeypot fields is a good start.
Even just two checkboxes where one is hidden for the user with css tricks that don't make it too obvious it's a honeypot, and another checkbox that literally just says "check this if you are not a bot". A bot will see both of them and likely fuck up clicking the wrong one or both or neither. A user will see one and click it and submit.
Probably one hidden field that pretends to be the real comment field as well.

That will filter out 99% of untargeted spam.
Until you get targeted spam, nothing more complicated needed.

Most spam that comes on imageboards and textboards I believe to be done manually though. I have witnessed so many boards get the same spam, and many of them had custom written captcha solutions and got the same spam next day.

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