What is wrong with everyone (23)

8 Name: Anonymous : 2021-09-04 06:26 ID:Heaven

Tor is not going anywhere luckily, sites will move there if they have to (while still moderating against highly illegal content to keep a low profile). I think it is far more likely that governments will at some point in the next decades (and I don't think it will be fast save for a few unlucky places like Australia which are being fucked by Murdoch, will) try to make a connection with your ISP require running a program that tracks you directly from your computer so that even anonymization efforts won't work without heavy effort like running their software in a VM to connect to the internet, and bridging the internet connnection from the VM to your OS so that they can only sniff your encrypted packets without the actual information. To me this seems most likely. It will be to prevent domestic terrorism of course, which is only going to become more common because young men are feeling lost in this new and lonely hyperconnected world and easily preyed upon by political extremists.

I hope I'm not taking everything for granted. The thought that stuff like Tor and Monero may somehow not exist one day is quite terrifying, and I'm not even one with an interest in currently illegal stuff (like drugs or cp), but the tools would be necessary if something I do like were to become illegal.

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