shoplifting (8)

1 Name: anonymous thief : 2021-07-22 22:02 ID:2RTChIcE

let's talk about shoplifting. have you ever done it/do you still do it? have any techniques for sharing? you think it makes a difference shoplifting from a big supermarket chain or a small neighborhood shop?

i became interested in shoplifting because i'm writing a novel where one of the characters shoplifts, so i tried doing it myself to make the writing more realisitc.
so far i've snatched a few minor things both from big chains and smaller local shops, though i can't say i felt a difference. people usually say shoplifting from a big store is okay while doing it in small shops isn't, but in my opinion both acts are not okay by nature so it doesn't really matter where you do it. most employees don't get paid enough to care about people stealing in big stores anyways, and realistically you're not making a small shop go bankrupt just for one chocolate bar or something.

in regards to the act itself, most of the time it just comes down to putting something in your pocket and getting out of the store fast and acting natural. i reckon doing so in [current year] is even easier since you can hide a big portion of your face with a facemask without looking odd. what do you think?

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