SSZ and Kuz are faggots (43, permasaged)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2021-11-26 01:30 ID:HoH4qO5M

Hello it is i SSZ the current admin of 4channel. Let me tell you about how much of a piece of shit i am.

I like to delete post i don't like even though they don't break the rules because i like to abuse my power and i am a sensitive snowflake bitch.

I only allow people to post if they suck my own dick and WT Kuz is my gay sex partner because he is just like me and cannot take criticism and censors anything he doesn't like as well.

We have such hot gay sex we go all night along jerking our dicks to banning those who disagree with us call us out or just simply wanna troll and have fun.

That horrible mean evil Faganon has been trolling us for a year he is so terrible trust us guys we are like totally the victims here and have done absolutely nothing wrong at all we are saints.

We can easily ignore trolls but it makes us mad when people troll us that they must be banned because we are man babies and no fun allowed LOL.

We also love children and even though we are fully grown men we hangout with a bunch of generation Z teenagers born after 9/11 who aren't even old enough to remember 2000s internet culture and Heyuri is full of child predators too.

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