Know any other textboards? (16)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2022-01-22 15:31 ID:Heaven

Besides 5channel and reddit.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2022-01-22 16:36 ID:J/0F/Ljv

mellowchan xyz
even less active though

3 Name: Anonymous : 2022-01-22 19:03 ID:3UbMETnQ

there is 6ch (but it is only good for the anon irc) and also saovq

4 Name: Anonymous : 2022-01-22 22:40 ID:5jujwN49

5 Name: Anonymous : 2022-01-22 23:17 ID:Heaven

There was a time when Sageru was among the most alive and active textboards, sad to see it left as a dead vestigial appendage to a dogshit irc server.

Also, there's probably a half-dozen threads already listing textboards on Internet Addicts Anonymous.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2022-01-23 02:21 ID:Mzb0k2EM

I'm assuming you only speak English, but if my hunch is correct, why would you need to know about other "textboards"? None of the newer ones you wouldn't know about look any different from each other, and they're all knocking on deaths door since the brats that own them can't afford hosting with their puny allowance. BBS are used correctly only by non-English speakers. English VIPPER boards are niche as is, and the neocities browsing, matrix using hipster weeaboo kids that host cheap knockoffs don't have a single working funny bone in their body, so their DQN clones suck.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2022-01-23 03:23 ID:J/0F/Ljv

damn, that's harsh. but i agree 100%
i know a few good active BBS but i prefer to gatekeep them :-)

8 Name: Anonymous : 2022-01-23 06:05 ID:Heaven

I'm actually russian. I used to visit some incredibly dead text board, but I think admin got bored of it eventually.

9 Name: Anonymous : 2022-01-23 10:45 ID:V0yIBEU/

do I spy a fellow user?

10 Name: Anonymous : 2022-01-24 18:04 ID:Heaven

Probably, I don't remember the name exactly.

11 Name: Anonymous : 2022-01-26 22:16 ID:J/0F/Ljv

tbh 4-ch is great, only not that active but we can change that

12 Name: Anonymous : 2022-01-27 14:00 ID:64xjSP7c

>>11 Don't wanna

13 Name: Anonymous : 2022-01-28 21:22 ID:J/0F/Ljv


15 Post deleted.

16 Name: Anonymous : 2022-06-17 13:00 ID:Heaven

There's a kareha sandbox in there somewhere, but that's about it.

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