Freshest Thread (43)

17 Name: Ichirou Matsushita : 2022-10-14 22:59 ID:Z9PLnXLD

Please help me!This is act of terrorism in Japan!
Japan is famous for sloppy management of electromagnetic wave.
Japanese society Has become serious thing behind the scenes.
Electromagnetic wave is secret globally.
But some of Japanese capitalists abusing it that secret.
They slander Japan and Japanese people and other country(America・・・),and attack and threaten civilian,suggest that murder,Threaten to kill,using electromagnetic wave all of them.
They are haughty terrorist with state power.

I know that they are so crazy. Because I have spent with them every day by policy.
They talk to me with communication all day and all year around!
They say
「Drop dead!」「I kill you」
「Kxxl Amexxcan army」
「Kxxl policemen」
「Kxxl child by running over」
「His Majesty the Emxxxor is here!(Tenxxxheika)」
「I kxxl Shi○zou Abe」
「We don`t have to take responsibility」
and the others・・・
They tell terrible things to me using some name of authority.

It seems like they are dissatisfied with society.They take it out on me.
They harass me when I living. In defecation and sex and dangerous work and bedtime and the others・・・
I think it`s a limit of a single person and the general public. It is so bad degree.

And they abusing child and animal using avatar(electromagnetic wave).Sometimes use violence on me with avatar.
And they playing pretend of homeless and handicapped person with avatar.
There are many people who don`t know the common sense in Japanese authorities.
They are shame of Japan,but I think that should not forgive their action for society.

Japan can`t take a cooperative attitude In the field of electromagnetic wave use.
Japan need the help of other countries.It is the reality.
Please spread the information.Please help japanese people and avatar.
Thank you for your cooperation. I wanna be free!!!!
Ichirou Matsushita

※Thess aaree Imagmation.I am afraid of Japanese government and Japanese law. I never know what the government will do next.

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