ITT We bash SSZ for being an SJW nigger cunt who censors anyone he doesn't like.
america is such a free country, they are afraid of 6 letters more than they are afraid of bullets.
holy shit, did he just delete the entire "what you think about russia" thread?
This thread is now ssz hat thread. The first hat is a red beanie. Why don't you try a hat like this hat ssz?
Pretty sure a country is furthest from /current/ you can get. Need to discuss mountains and stars in there next.
I don't think ssz is even American, considering the rules talk about EU law. That could just be where the site's hosted though.
/science/ was one of the boards merged into there, so why not
why? thread was made years ago and its not even about the war in ukraine
being americans, obeying americans, little difference
welp, there's your answer on why ssz is such a bastard. the site is following eu law...
What [EU] law in particular were you thinking of breaking?
So this is where this poll comes from
lmao, K*z is just mad his posts got removed for constant advertising.
Imagine actually making a poll about an admin of another board that has no relation to yours, pathetic. Move on.
Kuz isn't that petty (I hope), it's some other guy from over there
pee pee poo poo
Faganon likes Heyuri now he said in a recent post he likes the new admin kaguya.
lol, that was fast.
not like I don't understand SSZ reacting more strongly when some nigger hater came in and started NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER around and leaving 10 posts per day. SSZ is still a nigger though.
My post about "corporations encourage coexistance of niggers and whites because they are less likely to unite against the ruling class than a population that is only niggers or only whites" was good though, I want it to stay somewhere. I think this was actually mentioned in some leaked amazon internal docs which I never personally saw.